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Tsongas Delivers Federal Funds to Lowell Community Health Center

Tsongas Delivers Federal Funds to Lowell Community Health Center
Announces $229,912 in Funds Secured in Federal Spending Bill

LOWELL, MA – December 21, 2007 – Congresswoman Niki Tsongas today joined Dorcas Grigg-Saito, Lowell Community Health Center's chief executive officer, as well as LCHC health care professionals and staff to announce the award of $229,912 for the Lowell Community Health Center that she secured in the federal Omnibus Appropriations Act passed by the Congress and signed by the President this week. 

"Every year at this time, LCHC staff see an increase in the demand for health care services due to weather-related illnesses including more flus, colds, and asthma issues," said Congresswoman Tsongas.  "This year, they are experiencing an acute increase as a result of the changes related to health care reform in Massachusetts; more greater Lowell residents have recently signed up for the state’s health insurance program and are now seeking care.  Since these people have typically not seen a primary care physician in years, they tend to come to the center with more complex medical issues which require more and longer appointments.  In addition, at this time of year, many patients face the difficult choice of whether to pay for heat or pay for their medications.  Often, they choose heat and ultimately end up seeking more services from the health center. With the current price of oil, LCHC anticipates more and more clients may face this difficult choice this winter.

"That is why I am so proud that this important funding was included in this major federal funding bill for the Lowell Community Health Center.  The Lowell Community Health Center is a vital source of care for tens of thousands of people in the city of Lowell and surrounding communities.  The majority of the diverse population served at the health center are low or moderate income families.  This needed federal funding will help thousands more patients have access to health care," Congresswoman Tsongas added.

The Lowell Community Health Center served as the family doctor and provider of behavioral health services for over 25,000 people in 2006 through 80,000 visits.  Since 2000, the number of people served each year has doubled, and there was a 15 percent increase in just one year from 2005-2006.  The vast majority of patients are low or moderate income and reflect Lowell’s ethnic diversity.  The 270 members of the LCHC staff speak 18 languages, and 75 percent of them live in Lowell. 

"The funds provided here today will allow the health center to continue to expand and serve the greater Lowell community with high quality, culturally diverse, and accessible healthcare," said Dorcas Grigg-Saito, Lowell Community Health Center's chief executive officer.  "Last year alone we served over 25,500 thru 80,000 visits.  This funding will allow those numbers to continue to grow."

Lowell Community Health Center will use the funds to provide equipment for their new clinical service center in Lowell, Massachusetts -- a city that is federally-designated as a Medically Underserved Area & Health Professional Shortage Area. 

The expanded and improved facility will house adult and pediatric ambulatory primary medical services, family practice, prenatal and gynecology services, outpatient mental health and addiction treatment services, medical records, social work services, nutrition counseling, HIV
services, and administrative offices.  The facility expansion/improvement project will create at least 18 new jobs and allow LCHC to serve an additional 5,000 patients per year.  The total project cost is just over $1 million and is expected to be completed in February 2008.

Senator Ted Kennedy said in a letter that was read at the event, "The Lowell Community Health Center has provided outstanding care to residents of the area for nearly forty years.  Each year, tens of thousands of patients are served---and served well---by the Center’s amazing staff.  These remarkable care-givers are particularly skilled in bridging gaps of culture and language to guarantee that everyone in this great city receives the care they need, regardless of background.  I’m delighted we were able to include significant funds in this year’s final appropriations bill to support the Center.   I commend you for your leadership, Niki, and I look forward to continuing to work with you and Senator Kerry to support the Center in the future."

In a separate letter, Senator John Kerry added, "In the middle of billion dollar congressional budget battles, I know that from a distance it can look like the struggle in Washington is little more than a political food fight. But it's days like these that remind all of us just what's at stake when deciding who we want to represent us in Washington. Politics is about people – people who need government to fight for them.  People like the doctors, nurses, staff and volunteers here at the Lowell Community Health Center who for over 35 years have provided world class medical and health services to Greater Lowell residents who otherwise may have had nowhere else to turn. You deserve to have a government, to have leaders who fight on your behalf.  Niki Tsongas performed like a veteran in Congress and brought critical funding to one of the nation's most respected and effective community health organizations."
