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Republican Whip Roy Blunt, Rep. Greg Walden, Rep. Pence, Republican Leader John Boehner, Republican Conference Leader Adam Putnam, and Chief Deputy Whip Eric Cantor announce the launch of a discharge petition to force a vote on the floor of the U.S. House on the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Republican Whip Roy Blunt, U.S. Congressman Greg Walden, Congressman Pence and Republican Leader John Boehner at a press conference on October 17, 2007 to announce the launch of a discharge petition to force a vote on the floor of the U.S. House on the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Congressman Pence interviewed on Fairness Doctrine

Congressman Pence speaks at Fairness Doctrine Press Conference

Congressman Pence speaking

Congressman Pence at Fairness Doctrine Press Conference

Congressman Pence speaks about the Broadcater Freedoom Act

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