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Tsongas Presents Check for $392,000 for Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority


HAVERHILL, MA – February 21, 2008 –Fifth District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas today presented a check in the amount of $392,000 to the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority which will help purchase fourteen new buses to serve residents of Lawrence, Andover, Haverhill and Methuen.  Tsongas secured the funding as part of the recently enacted federal Omnibus Appropriations Act.



"Over the past several months, I heard from people throughout the Merrimack Valley about their support for efforts to make it easier to travel throughout our region,” said Congresswoman Tsongas.  "I was pleased to deliver these federal funds to the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority today which will assist in the purchase of fourteen new buses which will help tens of thousands of Merrimack Valley residents get to and from work, school, health appointments, or many other destinations in our communities. Greater access to public transit is particularly important to the elderly and disabled in our region.” 

"Two of these buses will be hybrid and clean diesel models, features which will benefit our environment and also allow the buses to get greater gas mileage, reducing their overall operating costs,” Congresswoman Tsongas added.

"In addition to the outstanding transportation services provided by the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority, the agency plays a significant role in major economic development projects in the Merrimack Valley such as the Lawrence Gateway and Haverhill parking garage.  I look forward to continue to working with Joe Costanzo and members of the MVRTA board to advance these critical initiatives,” Congresswoman Tsongas concluded.

"We are very appreciative of Congresswoman Tsongas efforts on behalf of the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority,” said MVRTA Administrator Joe Costanzo.  “These funds will help purchase the next generation of buses for the MVRTA, which will provide regional transportation services to over 1 million miles of city, interurban, suburban, and rural communities in the region."

The Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) serves 2 million riders annually on scheduled bus routes in the northeast corner of Massachusetts. MVRTA bus service is provided in Andover, Amesbury, Haverhill, Lawrence, Merrimac, Methuen, Newburyport and North Andover. The Authority also provides service to the Robert B. Kennedy Transfer Station for connections with the Lowell Regional Transit Authority. The MVRTA also provides a Commuter Bus service to and from Boston on weekdays.  Funding the for the purchase of the buses will also be aided by formula funding that MVRTA is provided annually by the Department of Transportation.