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Tsongas Call President's Budget Proposal 'Out of Step' with Working Families

WASHINGTON, DCFebruary 4, 2008Fifth District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, a member of the House Budget Committee, released the following statement today regarding the release of the President's Fiscal Year 2009 Budget proposal.


"I am disappointed that President Bush's final budget proposal contains many of the failed spending policies and priorities which have led to record deficits and an unprecedented national debt during his tenure.  The five largest deficits in American history all have occurred under the Bush Administration. When President Bush took office, the national debt stood at $5.7 trillion; and it is projected to increase to $9.7 trillion by the time President Bush leaves office, up by $4 trillion in eight years.  We must stop passing on mountains of debt to our children and grandchildren.


"In addition to continuing the fiscal irresponsibility which has characterized much of his administration, this budget proposal also contains cuts to critical public safety, health care, and community development programs.  His budget eliminates funding for the popular Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS program) which helps fight crime and make our neighborhoods safer in cities like Lowell and Lawrence, by putting more police officers on our streets.


"The President’s budget proposal cuts LIHEAP funding in Massachusetts by $13.2 million in the coming fiscal year.  As home heating costs continue to rise, LIHEAP is vital to maintaining the well being of many low income families in our area.  Without access to additional LIHEAP funds, many households will be forced to make painful choices between heating their homes, putting food on their tables or purchasing necessary prescription drugs.


"The President's proposal also drastically reduces funding for Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs), which fund a variety of critical development projects in our cities and towns such as affordable housing, public infrastructure improvements, and job creation programs.  Investing in the continued growth and vitality of our communities helps create safer neighborhoods, provides greater access to jobs, and helps produce the municipal services such as water and sewer service that we take for granted.  As we spend billions of dollars a week to rebuild Iraq, we should not neglect the needed investment in our own communities.


"While the President slashes funding our communities use to provide services to millions of people, his budget provides trillions of dollars in additional tax cuts geared towards the wealthiest Americans.  These priorities are simply out of step with working families in the Fifth Congressional District, and the economic downturn makes these funding cuts all the more difficult to comprehend.  


"I look forward to working with my colleagues on the House Budget Committee to enact a budget which invests in our future, helps grow our economy, and creates outstanding new jobs, and does so in a fiscally responsible way.