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Legislation to Protect Historic Barrett's Farm in Concord One Step Closer to Becoming Law

WASHINGTON, DC – July 25, 2008 – Earlier this week, the House Natural Resources Committee gave a favorable recommendation to legislation introduced by Congresswoman Niki Tsongas which would protect historic Barrett's Farm in Concord, MA.  The Committee's approval is an essential step for the bill to become law and will allow Tsongas' legislation to be considered by the House of Representatives later this year.  Tsongas also testified before a Natural Resources subcommittee the previous week in support of the legislation.

Tsongas' legislation would add Barrett's Farm to Minute Man National Historical Park, by authorizing an adjustment of 67 acres to the current park boundaries.

The legislation does not involve any federal taking of private land, but instead allows the National Park Service to purchase the farm, which is now owned by the non-profit organization Save Our National Heritage.  Both Save Our National Heritage and the National Park Service support the boundary adjustment.

Nearly identical legislation was introduced last year by former Fifth District Representative Marty Meehan, and a companion measure has been introduced in the Senate by Massachusetts Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry.

Barrett’s Farm is the former home of Colonel James Barrett, the commander of the Middlesex militia during the Revolutionary war, and was used to store the militia's munitions in the weeks preceding the Battle of Concord and Lexington.  British forces marched from Boston to seize the munitions stored at the farm,  but Barrett’s militia confronted the British soldiers at the North Bridge, where the “shot heard ‘round the world” was fired – launching America's war for independence.

Said Congresswoman Tsongas, "I am grateful that Chairman Rahall and Ranking Member Young, as well National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands subcommittee Chairman Grijalva and Ranking Member Bishop have advanced this legislation, and I look forward to it coming to the House floor for a vote.
