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Tsongas Statement Regarding the Navy's Plan to Limit the Purchase of the DDG-1000 Zumwalt Class Destroyer

WASHINGTON, DC – July 28, 2008 – Congresswoman Niki Tsongas released the following statement regarding the Navy's plan to limit the purchase of the DDG-1000 Zumwalt class destroyer.

"I am troubled by the Navy's attempt to curtail the DDG-1000 program.  We have spent $11 billion to develop the technologies specifically outlined and requested by the Navy for this new destroyer, and the Navy has advocated for this program for a decade as a necessary platform for meeting current and future threats.

"After fighting for this program for so long, press reports now indicate that the Navy now wants to end it prematurely.  I am very concerned by the increased risk that this change could bring to our shipbuilding process; a process which was recommended by the Navy, endorsed by the President and annually passed into law by Congress.  That increased risk includes greater cost and instability in our industrial base.   I do not support such a change without clearly outlined cost and requirement justifications.  As a member of the Armed Forces Committee, I will work with my colleagues in Congress and the Administration to improve our acquisition process to mitigate risk, wisely spend taxpayer dollars and effectively deliver the tools our military needs to protect our country."
