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Fill out the ORDER FORM and FAX it to (202) 366-7078. The following publications are the latest available data from the NCSA Office. Publications on past data years may be available. 

The following Traffic Safety Fact Sheets are the latest available data from the NCSA Office. Fact sheets and Reports can be downloaded from the NCSA Website: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/ncsa

Order Number Year DOCUMENT TITLE Mail Fax Internet
Traffic Safety Fact Sheets
809-323 2000 Alcohol Mail Fax Internet
809-324 2000 Children Mail Fax Internet
809-325 2000 Large Trucks Mail Fax Internet
809-326 2000 Motorcycles Mail Fax Internet
809-327 2000 Occupant Protection Mail Fax Internet
809-328 2000 Older Population Mail Fax Internet
809-329 2000 Overview Mail Fax Internet
809-330 2000 Pedalcyclists Mail Fax Internet
809-331 2000 Pedestrians Mail Fax Internet
809-332 2000 School Buses Mail Fax Internet
809-333 2000 Speeding Mail Fax Internet
809-334 2000 State Alcohol Estimates Mail Fax Internet
809-098 1999 State Traffic Data Mail Fax Internet
809-336 2000 Young Drivers Mail Fax Internet
NCSA Reports
808-106 Jan 94 Female Drivers In Fatal Crashes Recent Trends Mail N/A N/A
808-196 Nov 94 Rail-Highway Crossing Safety: Fatal Crash and Demographic Descriptors Mail N/A N/A
808-194 Jan 95 Crash, Injury, and Fatality Rates by Time of Day and Day of Week Mail N/A N/A
808-324 Oct 95 Safety Belt Use Laws: Evaluation of Primary Enforcement and Other Provisions Mail N/A N/A
808-338 Jan 96 The Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-347 Feb 96 Benefits of Safety Belts and Motorcycle Helmets - Report to Congress Mail N/A Internet
808-369 Feb 96 Estimating the Injury-Reducing Benefits of Ejection-Mitigating Glazing Mail N/A N/A
808-450 Aug 96 Rural and Urban Crashes: A Comparative Analysis Mail N/A N/A
808-575 Jan 97 The Effect of Decreases in Vehicle Weight on Injury Crash Rates Mail N/A Internet
808-581 Apr 97 Catalog of Types of Applications Implemented Using Linked Data (CODES) Mail N/A Internet
808-598 Jul 97 Injuries Associated w/Specific Motor Vehicle Hazards: Radiators, Batteries, Power Windows, and Power Roofs Mail N/A N/A
808-643 Nov 97 Analysis of Ejection in Fatal Crashes Mail N/A Internet
808-637 Feb 98 The Effect of Increased Speed Limits in the Post-NMSL Era Mail N/A Internet
808-680 Feb 98 A Method for Estimating The Effect of Vehicle Crashworthiness Design Changes on Injuries and Fatalities Mail N/A Internet
808-686 Feb 98 Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes -- 1996 (Annual Report) Mail N/A N/A
808-697 Mar 98 Estimating Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes in Light of Increases in Restraint Use Mail N/A Internet
808-690 May 98 Trends in Large Truck Crashes Mail N/A Internet
808-758 Aug 98 Analysis of the Crash Experiences of Vehicles Equipped with Antilock Braking Systems - An Update Mail N/A N/A
808-791 Sep 98 Serious Lower Extremity Injuries in Motor Vehicle Crashes, Wisconsin, 1991-1994 Mail N/A N/A
808-798 Oct 98 Using Linked Data To Evaluate Traumatic Brain Injuries in New Mexico (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-799 Oct 98 Using Linked Data To Evaluate Hospital Charges for Motor Vehicle Crash Victims in Pennsylvania (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-800 Oct 98 Using Linked Data to Evaluate Collisions w/Fixed Objects in Pennsylvania (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-816 Oct 98 Multiple Imputation of Missing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) values in FARS Mail N/A N/A
808-893 Nov 98 Evaluation of the Effects of North Carolina's 0.08% BAC Laws Mail N/A Internet
808-862 Jan/Jun 99 The Data-Smart Manual Use & Analysis of Data for Local Highway & Traffic Safety Programs Mail N/A N/A
808-892 Mar 99 The Effects of 0.08 BAC Laws Mail N/A Internet
808-887 Apr 99 Analysis of 1996 Maine Crashes Involving Young Adults Mail N/A N/A
808-888 Apr 99 Analysis of Seat Belt Use and Outcomes in 1996 Maine Crashes Mail N/A N/A
808-889 Apr 99 Analysis of 1996 Maine Crashes Involving Vehicles That Run Off the Road Mail N/A N/A
808-919 May 99 4th Report to Congress Effectiveness of Occ. Protection Systems & Their Use Mail N/A Internet
808-971 Sep 99 Motor Vehicle Crashes Involving Elderly Drivers in CT (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-972 Sep 99 Medical & Financial Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Crashes in CT (CODES) Mail N/A N/A
808-973 Sep 99 Using Linked Data to Evaluate Severity & Outcome of Injury by Type of Object Struck (First Object Struck Only) Connecticut Mail N/A N/A
808-983 Oct 99 FARS/GES Traffic Safety Facts 1998 Mail N/A Internet
808-985 Oct 99 1994-1996 NASS/CDS Report Mail N/A N/A
808-987 Oct 99 Data Summary FARS/GES 1998 Book Mail N/A N/A
808-645 Feb 00 A Preliminary Assessment of the Crash-Reducing Effectiveness of Passenger Car Daytime Running Lamps (DRLs) Mail N/A Internet
809-048 Apr 00 Standardized Reporting Using Codes Mail N/A N/A
809-066 Jun 00 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes as a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S., 1997 Mail N/A Internet
809-102 Aug 00 Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes, 1997 Mail N/A Internet
809-144 Sep 00 Analysis of the Crash Experience of Vehicles Equipped with All Wheel Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) - 2nd Update Mail N/A Internet
809-197 Jan 01 Geo-Demographic Analysis of Fatal Motorcycle Crashes Mail N/A Internet
809-200 Feb 01 Problems, Solutions & Recommendations for Implementing CODES Mail N/A Internet
809-103 Mar 01 Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes, 1998 Mail N/A Internet
809-201 Apr 01 Geographic Information Systems Using CODES Linked Data Mail N/A Internet
809-104 May Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes, 1999 Mail N/A Internet
809-271 Jun 01 Recent Trends in Fatal Motorcycle Crashes Mail N/A Internet
809-360 Oct 01 Fatal Single Vehicle Motorcycle Crashes Mail N/A Internet
Research Notes
95.810 Feb 95 Preliminary Assessment of The Impact of Lowering the Illegal BAC Per Se Limit to 0.08 Mail Fax N/A
95.815 May 95 National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS): Shopping Center Study Mail Fax Internet
95.817 May 95 NOPUS: Controlled Intersection Study Mail Fax Internet
95.820 Jun 95 Analysis of the Crash Experience of Vehicles Equipped with Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) Mail Fax Internet
95.825 Jun 95 Estimating Lives Saved by Restraint Use in Potentially Fatal Crashes Mail Fax Internet
95.830 Sep 95 Revised Vehicle Miles of Travel for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks, 1975 to 1993 Mail Fax Internet
96.842 Feb 96 (CODES) Project Safety Belt & Helmet Analyses Mail Fax Internet
96.845 Aug 96 Trends in Daily Traffic Fatalities in 1975-1995 Mail Fax Internet
96.847 Aug 96 Rural and Urban Crashes -- A Comparative Analysis Mail Fax Internet
96.855 Dec 96 Revised Estimates of Child Restraint Effectiveness Mail Fax Internet
97.800 Jan 97 The Effect of Decreases in Vehicle Weight on Injury Crash Rates Mail Fax Internet
97.810 Feb 97 Nonoccupant Fatalities Associated with Backing Crashes (Revised) Mail Fax Internet
97.815 Feb 97 NOPUS: Controlled Intersection Detailed Results Mail Fax Internet
97.820 Apr 97 Observed Safety Belt Use in 1996 Mail Fax Internet
97.825 May 97 Injuries Associated With Hazards Involving Motor Vehicle Power Windows Mail Fax Internet
97.835 Jul 97 Fatal Crash Involvements--What are the Odds? Mail Fax Internet
97.840 Jul 97 Injuries Associated with Hazards Involving Motor Vehicle Batteries Mail Fax Internet
97.842 Aug 97 NOPUS -- 1996 Controlled Intersection Study Mail Fax Internet
97.845 Sep 97 Reweighting of the Primary Sampling Units in the NASS Mail Fax Internet
97.850 Sept 97 Wheelchair Users Injuries & Deaths Assoc. w/Motor Vehicle Related Incidents Mail Fax Internet
97.855 Nov 97 Analysis of Ejection in Fatal Crashes Mail Fax Internet
97.860 Dec 97 Estimating the Number of Vehicles Adapted for Use by Persons with Disabilities Mail Fax Internet
98.010 Jan 98 Crash Data and Age-Sex Rates of Drivers, 1996 Mail Fax Internet
98.020 Jan 98 Further Analysis of Motorcycle Helmet Effectiveness Using CODES Mail Fax Internet
98.025 Mar 98 Motor Vehicle Crashes as a Leading Cause of Death in 1994 Mail Fax Internet
98.030 Apr 98 Safety Issues for Vehicles Adapted for Use by Persons with Disabilities Mail Fax Internet
98.035 Jul 98 Injuries Associated With Hazards Involving Motor Vehicle "Rollaways" Mail Fax Internet
98.040 Sep 98 Injuries Associated with Hazards Involving Motor Vehicle "Jack Failures" Mail Fax Internet
98.045 Oct 98 Multiple Imputation of Missing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Values in FARS Mail Fax Internet
99.010 Sep 99 Passenger Vehicles in Untripped Rollovers (Revised) Mail Fax Internet
99.020 Sep 99 Observed Safety Belt Use in 1998 Mail Fax Internet
99.025 Oct 99 1998 State Shoulder Belt Use Survey Results Mail Fax Internet
00.010 Apr 00 Fatalities Associated with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Motor Vehicles, 1995-1997 Mail Fax Internet
00.015 Jun 00 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes As A Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Mail Fax Internet
00.020 Oct 00 1999 State Shoulder Belt Use Survey Results Mail Fax Internet
00.025 Nov 00 Observed Safety Belt Use from 12/99 & 6/00 MiniNOPUS Mail Fax Internet
00.030 Nov 00 Older Driver Fatality Rates by State, 1998 Mail Fax Internet
01.010 Feb 01 Observed Safety Belt Use Fall 2000 NOPUS Mail Fax Internet
01.020 Mar 01 2000 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes Injury & Fatality Estimates (Early Assessment) Mail N/A Internet
01.030 Apr 01 The Rollover Propensity of Fifteen-Passenger Vans Mail N/A Internet
01.035 May 01 1998-2000 State Shoulder Belt Use Survey Results Mail Fax Internet
809-293 July 01 Passenger Vehicle Driver Cell Phone Use Results from the Fall 2000 NOPUS Mail Fax Internet
809-315 Aug 01 Tire Pressure Special Study: Methodology Mail Fax Internet
809-316 Aug 01 Tire Pressure Special Study: Interview Data Mail Fax Internet
809-317 Aug 01 Tire Pressure Special Study: Vehicle Observation Data Mail Fax Internet
809-318 Aug 01 NOPUS 2000 Controlled Intersection Study Mail Fax Internet
809-319 Aug 01 Observed Shoulder Belt Use from the June 2001 Mini NOPUS Mail Fax Internet
Other NCSA Information
00.224 Month Cases from the Special Crash Investigation (SCI) Program Mail N/A Internet
01.900 2001 NCSA Statistical Publications List and Order Form Mail Fax N/A
00.910 -- Order Form for NHTSA Tapes/Documentation (DOT/VOLPE) Applicable charges may apply for tapes/documentation Mail Fax N/A