DNA Repair Interest Group


For More Information About This Series Contact:
Susan B. Wester
Phone: 301 846-5865
E-Mail: sbw@mail.ncifcrf.gov

Series Calendar:
6/17/2003 (1) Dr. John Bradsher, NCI/CCR (2) Dr. Tom Rosenquist, SUNY (3) Dr. Karen Vasquez, M D Anderson Cancer Center (1) Roles of the CS Proteins in Nucleotide Excision Repair and Transcription (2) NEIL Proteins and Base Excision Repair in Mice (3) Processing of Site-Specific DNA Lesions by DNA Repair and Recombination Pathways
5/20/2003 Dr. Errol Friedberg Honest Jim Revealed-The Writings of James D. Watson
4/15/2003 Dr. John Petrini Genetics and Cellular Analysis of the Cellular DNA Damage Response
3/11/2003 Dr. Sancar Mitra Oxidative Damage Repair and Its Co-ordination in the Mammalian Genome
2/18/2003 Dr. Susan Wallace Processing of Oxidative DNA Damage