6 : Distribution Information
- 1{Digital_Form}n ] +
- Format_Version_Date] +
- (Format_Specification) ) +
- Offline_Option] }n
- Dialup_Instructions]
- 6.4.1 Non-digital Form -- the description of options for obtaining the data set on non-computer- compatible media.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: nondig
- 6.4.2 Digital Form -- the description of options for obtaining the data set on computer-compatible media.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: digform
- Digital Transfer Information - description of the form of the data to be distributed.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: digtinfo
- Format Name -- the name of the data transfer format.
- Type: text
- Domain: domain values from the table below; free text
- Short Name: formname
- Domain
- Value Definition
- "ARCE" ARC/INFO Export format
- "ARCG" ARC/INFO Generate format
- "ASCII" ASCII file, formatted for text attributes, declared format
- "BIL" Imagery, band interleaved by line
- "BIP" Imagery, band interleaved by pixel
- "BSQ" Imagery, band interleaved sequential
- "CDF" Common Data Format
- "CFF" Cartographic Feature File (U.S. Forest Service)
- "COORD" User-created coordinate file, declared format
- "DEM" Digital Elevation Model format (U.S. Geological
- Survey)
- "DFAD" Digital Feature Analysis Data (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
- "DGN" Microstation format (Intergraph Corporation)
- "DIGEST" Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard
- "DLG" Digital Line Graph (U.S. Geological Survey)
- "DTED" Digital Terrain Elevation Data (MIL-D-89020)
- "DWG" AutoCAD Drawing format
- "DX90" Data Exchange '90
- "DXF" AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format
- "ERDAS" ERDAS image files (ERDAS Corporation)
- "GRASS" Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
- "HDF" Hierarchical Data Format
- "IGDS" Interactive Graphic Design System format (Intergraph Corporation)
- "IGES" Initial Graphics Exchange Standard
- "MOSS" Multiple Overlay Statistical System export file
- "netCDF" network Common Data Format
- "NITF" National Imagery Transfer Format
- "RPF" Raster Product Format (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
- "RVC" Raster Vector Converted format (MicroImages)
- "RVF" Raster Vector Format (MicroImages)
- "SDTS" Spatial Data Transfer Standard (Federal Information Processing Standard 173)
- "SIF" Standard Interchange Format (DOD Project 2851)
- "SLF" Standard Linear Format (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
- "TIFF" Tagged Image File Format
- "TGRLN" Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) Line format (Bureau of the Census)
- "VPF" Vector Product Format (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
- Format Version Number -- version number of the format.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: formvern
- Format Version Date -- date of the version of the format.
- Type: date
- Domain: free date
- Short Name: formverd
- Format Specification -- name of a subset, profile, or product specification of the format.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: formspec
- Format Information Content -- description of the content of the data encoded in a format.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: formcont
- File Decompression Technique -- recommendations of algorithms or processes (including means of obtaining these algorithms or processes) that can be applied to read or expand data sets to which data compression techniques have been applied.
- Type: text
- Domain: "No compression applied", free text
- Short Name: filedec
- Transfer Size -- the size, or estimated size, of the transferred data set in megabytes.
- Type: real
- Domain: Transfer Size > 0.0
- Short Name: transize
- Digital Transfer Option -- the means and media by which a data set is obtained from the distributor.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: digtopt
- Online Option -- information required to directly obtain the data set electronically.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: onlinopt
- Computer Contact Information -- instructions for establishing communications with the distribution computer.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: computer
- Network Address -- the electronic address from which the data set can be obtained from the distribution computer.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: networka
- Network Resource Name -- the name of the file or service from which the data set can be obtained.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: networkr
- Dialup Instructions -- information required to access the distribution computer remotely through telephone lines.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: dialinst
- Lowest BPS -- lowest or only speed for the connection's communication, expressed in bits per second.
- Type: integer
- Domain: Lowest BPS >= 110
- Short Name: lowbps
- Highest BPS -- highest speed for the connection's communication, expressed in bits per second. Used in cases when a range of rates are provided.
- Type: integer
- Domain: Highest BPS > Lowest BPS
- Short Name: highbps
- Number DataBits -- number of data bits in each character exchanged in the communication.
- Type: integer
- Domain: 7 <= Number DataBits <= 8
- Short Name: numdata
- Number StopBits -- number of stop bits in each character exchanged in the communication.
- Type: integer
- Domain: 1 <= Number StopBits <= 2
- Short Name: numstop
- Parity -- parity error checking used in each character exchanged in the communication.
- Type: text
- Domain: "None" "Odd" "Even" "Mark" "Space"
- Short Name: parity
- Compression Support -- data compression available through the modem service to speed data transfer.
- Type: text
- Domain: "V.32" "V.32bis" "V.42" "V.42bis" free text
- Short Name: compress
- Dialup Telephone -- the telephone number of the distribution computer.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: dialtel
- Dialup File Name -- the name of a file containing the data set on the distribution computer.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: dialfile
- Access Instructions" -- instructions on the steps required to access the data set.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: accinstr
- Online Computer and Operating System -- the brand of distribution computer and its operating system.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: oncomp
- Offline Option -- information about media-specific options for receiving the data set.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: offoptn
- Offline Media -- name of the media on which the data set can be received.
- Type: text
- Domain: "CD-ROM" "3-1/2 inch floppy disk" "5-1/4 inch floppy disk" "9-track tape" "4 mm cartridge tape" "8 mm cartridge tape" "1/4-inch cartridge tape" free text
- Short Name: offmedia
- Recording Capacity -- the density of information to which data are written. Used in cases where different recording capacities are possible.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: reccap
- Recording Density -- the density in which the data set can be recorded.
- Type: real
- Domain: Recording Density > 0.0
- Short Name: recden
- Recording Density Units -- the units of measure for the recording density.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: recdenu
- Recording Format -- the options available or method used to write the data set to the medium.
- Type: text
- Domain: "cpio" "tar" "High Sierra" "ISO 9660" "ISO 9660 with Rock Ridge extensions" "ISO 9660 with Apple HFS extensions" free text
- Short Name: recfmt
- Compatibility Information --- description of other limitations or requirements for using the medium.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: compat
- 6.4.3 Fees -- the fees and terms for retrieving the data set.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: fees
- 6.4.4 Ordering Instructions -- general instructions and advice about, and special terms and services provided for, the data set by the distributor.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: ordering
- 6.4.5 Turnaround -- typical turnaround time for the filling of an order.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: turnarnd
Short Name: custom