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NASA's GLAST satellite launched into orbit on 05 June. More....

NASA's Swift satellite has caught a star going supernova in the act. While astronomers were taking images of SN 2007uy in the galaxy NGC 2770, they noted an extremely bright, five-minute X-ray outburst from another location in the same galaxy. The visible light from what is now designated as SN 2008D appeared a few days later. More....

A supernova that occurred 140 years ago in the Milky Way galaxy has been discovered by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and NRAO's Very Large Array. The supernova remnant, designated G1.9+0.3, was previously undiscovered due to obscurration by dust and gas. More....


NASA's IBEX mission, an Earth-orbitin mission designed to make observations of the solar wind's termination shock using energetic neutral atoms, was launched from a Pegasus XL rocket at 13:48 EDT on 19 October 2008. More...

Lunar and Planetary Science

Chandrayaan-1, India's first lunar mission, has entered its nominal science orbit and dropped an impact probe onto the Moon's surface.

Science results from the second flyby of Mercury by MESSENGER were presented at a Science Update on Wednesday, 29 October.

The Phoenix Mars lander mission has officially ended, it sent its last signal on 2 November and is now receiving too little solar power as the Sun gets lower in the arctic sky.

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