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Employee Benefits

Workers’ Compensation for Federal Employees     

The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) provides compensation benefits to eligible civilian employees of the United States for disability and loss of wages due to personal traumatic injury and employment-related disease sustained while in the performance of duty.

Benefits available to injured employees include, among other things, continuation of regular pay for up to 45 calendar days for temporary disability, wage compensation for long-term disability, vocational rehabilitation, and medical, surgical and prescription expenses. FECA also provides compensation to dependents if the injury or disease causes the employee's death.

FECA is administered by the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP), U.S. Department of Labor, located in 12 district offices throughout the United States.

Disability Compensation Payout

If the employee has no dependents, compensation is generally payable at the rate of two-thirds of pre-disability gross wages tax-free; if the employee has one or more dependents, compensation is payable at the rate of three-fourths of pre-disability gross wages, tax-free.

For additional information, please contact Lisa Kleiner, Benefits and Worklife Advisor at (202) 314-6462.


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