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RSC in the News

McCain Passes On RSC Invite (1/29/07)
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has decided not to address House Republican conservatives when they convene at their annual retreat this week, while one of his top rivals for the GOP's 2008 White House nod will be among the headliners of the event.  Click here to read the entire article.

National Review: Pence calls for more freedom in 527 reform process (3/29/06)
"But it is in the House that another GOP plan has emerged, one cosponsored by the solid conservative Indiana Republican Mike Pence and the equally solid liberal Maryland Democrat Albert Wynn." Click here to read the entire article.

RSC budget plan praised by Heritage Foundation (3/15/06)
"Unless Congress changes course on federal spending, within a decade lawmakers will have to raise taxes by nearly $7,000 per household just to balance the budget.  Rather than resign the nation to a fate of inevitable steep tax increases and the resulting slower economic growth, fewer jobs, and lower incomes, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) has unveiled a budget proposal that bravely and honestly confronts the nation's budgetary challenges." Click here to read the entire article. RSC budget a "blueprint" for change (3/15/06)
"Thank the good Lord that the conservatives who compose the Republican Study Committee understand that the government actually belongs to the people -- to you and to me, the taxpayers. The budget they've proposed shows they are determined to return sanity to budget-making in Washington -- to start spending like mature adults, not teenagers with their parents' credit cards." Click here to read the entire article.

RSC budget plan lauded in National Ledger (3/15/06)
"Now, more than three decades following that first RSC alternative budget, the Study Committee has come up with its most brilliant and promising piece of work." Click here to read the entire article.

Washington Times: RSC members ask for offsets (3/15/06)
"Conservatives on Capitol Hill are preparing for two major fights this week with the Bush administration on runaway federal spending. In recent weeks, President Bush has asked Congress for an additional $92 billion to spend on the war in Iraq and the cleanup from Hurricane Katrina. The administration also has asked Congress to raise the federal government's debt limit. While conservatives privately acknowledge that both requests will ultimately be granted, they are also demanding that cuts be made elsewhere in the budget and that serious reforms be put in place to control future spending." Click here to read the entire article.

RSC budget plan featured in New York Times (3/07/06)
"The authors of the proposal describe it as a sequel to the Contract With America, which helped catapult Republicans to power in 1994. An outline of the plan says the proposals require "tough choices, but members have expressed a serious desire to do the hard things to save America." Click here to read the entire article.

The Hill: "RSC asks administration to account for Katrina spending" (2/27/06)
"Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) sent a letter to the administration today requesting a detailed account of the money already allocated to the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast region as well as the spending justifications from each agency requesting funds." Click here to read the entire article.

Rep. Campbell in The Hill (2/08/06)
"At first glance, Rep. John Campbell (Calif.) appears to be a tried-and-true Republican: He's a car dealer who is also a certified public accountant with a yen for spreadsheets and financial statements...."  Click here for the full story.

Chairman Pence in Human Events (12/9/05)
"Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.), chairman of the conservative House Republican Study Committee, says President Bush must become directly involved in seeking votes from wavering members of Congress if Congress is going to pass sufficient spending cuts this year to offset the massive federal expenditures made in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina...."  Click here for the full story.

Operation Offset Press

RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) commended President Bush and House Leadership for echoing the RSC's calls for spending cuts to offset the costs of hurricane relief.

RSC Profiled
The RSC and RSC Chairman Pence were profiled in three major publications.  To view an article, click the links below:

The Future of Conservatism (6/30/03)
Knight Ridder published this piece, featuring RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN), about the future of conservatism, in light of "the twin burdens of governing and holding onto power."

RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) was profiled in this piece in The Washington Post.

The RSC was featured in this Congressional Quarterly article about growing conservative discontent with the budget process. (3/11/05)

The RSC was featured in this Congressional Quarterly article about the need for stricter controls on federal spending. (3/3/05)

The RSC was also featured in this USA Today article about Social Security reform and an event at Vice President Cheney's residence with House conservatives. (3/7/05)

The RSC was featured in this George Will column about the President's budget proposal. (2/18/05)

RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) wrote this op-ed in USA Today about how President Bush's proposed expansion of the No Child Left Behind Act would be the "wrong answer for schools." (2/16/05)

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was featured in this front-page Washington Post story about promoting Social Security reform outside of Washington, DC. (2/22/05)

Various RSC Members were featured in this Human Events article about President Bush's apparent willingness to consider tax increases to pay for Social Security reform. (2/15/05)

Former RSC Chairman Sue Myrick (R-NC) was interviewed on FOX News' show, Your World with Neil Cavuto, regarding spending cuts. Click here to read the transcript of the interview. (2/17/05)

Paul Weyrich, Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation and veteran conservative activist, wrote a commentary entitled, "Watch for Good Things from the RSC." (2/1/05)

Rising Stars in the RSC (1/19/05)
The Associated Press published a story on the "10 rising stars to watch" this year in Congress. All three of the Republican House Members listed in the story are RSC Members.

RSC featured widely in the national media:

  • The Washington Post article gave the RSC "four elephants" of legislative muscle--the highest of any group it rated. (1/4/05)
  • The Associated Press article described RSC Chairman Mike Pence's efforts to "reassert conservative values" in Congress. (1/6/05)
  • The Fort Wayne Gazette article highlights the RSC's goal of bringing the House back to its conservative ideals. (1/6/05)

RSC Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) was featured in a Washington Times story about a conservative mandate for the 109th Congress. (12/23/04)

RSC Press Highlights
The RSC was featured in two USA Today articles about the role of conservatives in the next Congress: