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Judiciary & Immigration

Immigration Reform Caucus; Tom Tancredo, Chairman

Border Protection Bill (12/15/05)
Following is the RSC Leg. Bulletin and amendment summaries on the Border Protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437).


Three RSC Members were featured in this Washington Examiner op-ed on asbestos by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Federal Marriage Amendment

On February 23rd, President Bush endorsed a Constitutional Amendment to ensure that marriage in the United States would remain the union between one man and one woman and to ensure that legislatures, not courts, would retain the right to define any other type of relationship.

The President clearly described H.J.Res. 56 (108th Congress), introduced by Rep. Musgrave and 112 cosponsors. Indeed, press reports already indicate that President Bush believes that the Musgrave text meets the principles he laid out. Click here to read more.

  • Rep. Musgrave praised President Bush for his support of this constitutional amendment (pdf)
  • Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) released a backgrounder on the Federal Marriage Amendment (pdf)

Judicial Nominees
Several RSC Members spoke out in support of the Senate's 39-hour marathon session to highlight Senate Democrats' unprecedented efforts to prevent President Bush's judicial nominees from each receiving an up-or-down confirmation vote on the Senate floor.

  • Statement: from Rep. Steve King (R-IA), calling on his home-state senator (Senator Tom Harkin) and other Senate Democrats to "stop playing politics with judicial nominations."
  • Statement: from Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), applauding his home-state senator (Senator Lindsey Graham) for standing strong against the Democrat filibusters.
  • Statement: from former Rep. (now Senator) Jim DeMint (R-SC), urging Senate Democrats to "end the judicial hostage crisis."
  • Statement: from Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), lashing out at Senate Democrats for continuing to prevent President Bush's judicial nominees from receiving a vote on the Senate floor
  • Statement: about how Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) stayed up all night to encourage his Senate Republican colleagues to continue to fight Democrat stall tactics

History of the Senate cloture vote (the vote limiting debate)