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Faith & Family

Comprehensive Sex Education is in the schools 

Hate Crimes Passes House (5/3/07)
As H.R. 1592, the "Hate Crimes" bill, passes the House of Representatives, House Conservatives call for President to Veto the Hate Crimes Bill.  See the RSC's letter to the President, and the Administration's official SAP on H.R. 1592.  Also see the RSC's Legislative Bulletin on H.R. 1592 and a useful Q&A document addressing several felonious assertions about this legislation.

Pro-Life Appropriations Riders
On March 30, 2007, 155 Members of Congress issued this letter urging President Bush to veto any appropriations bill that weakens any provision in current law that prevents taxpayer money from being used to fund things objectionable to pro-life Americans, such as abortion coercive "family planning" provisions.

Abstinence Education

Mexico City Policy : US Involvement in International Population Control and the History of the Mexico City Abortion Policy

Capitol Christmas Tree
Speaker Hastert requested that the Architect of the Capitol rename the Capitol "Holiday Tree" back to the "Christmas Tree."  To view the RSC's one-pager, please click here. To read a recent Washington Times article on the renaming, click here.

PBS & Playboy
The RSC released this document highlighting the Public Broadcasting System's (PBS) use of funds from The Playboy Foundation to produce a sex education movie.

The Welfare Reform Debate: Myth vs. Reality

RSC Documents Detail Lawsuit Over Prostitution/Sex-Trafficking Law Filed by Porn Store Owner
On August 11, 2005, the United States Government was sued by an organization that refused to certify, as a condition of receiving U.S. HIV/AIDS funds, that it is against prostitution and sex trafficking. The following documents outline the law being challenged, its legislative history, and background information on the organization that filed the lawsuit.

Conservative Viewpoint
"Marriage is the union between a man and a woman." 

Federal Marriage Amendment
On February 23rd, 2004, President Bush endorsed a Constitutional Amendment to ensure that marriage in the United States would remain the union between one man and one woman and to ensure that legislatures, not courts, would retain the right to define any other type of relationship.  The President clearly described H.J.Res. 56, introduced by Rep. Musgrave and 112 cosponsors. Indeed, press reports already indicate that President Bush believes that the Musgrave text meets the principles he laid out. Click here to read more.