2003Q-0559 - Qualified Health Claim (QHC): Monounsaturated fatty acids and reduced risk of coronary heart disease
FDA Comment Number : EC1
Submitter : Mr. John Profaci Date & Time: 02/09/2004 04:02:48
Organization : Colavita USA, LLC
Category : Food Industry
Issue Areas/Comments

I'm writing to express my support of Docket # 2003Q-0559, Health Claim
Petition: Monounsaturated Fatty Acids from Olive Oil and Coronary Heart Disease.

FDA has long recognized the potential role of monounsaturated fatty acids in managing the risk of coronary heart disease, even citing it in 1993 when authorizing the health claim on dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and heart disease. Since then, considerable information has further demonstrated that monounsaturated fatty acids can lower total- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol when consumed as part of a diet low in saturated fat. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that monounsaturated fatty acids do not increase blood triglycerides or decrease HDL and high carbohydrate diets often do.

Given the multitude of studies citing the benefits of monounsaturated fatty acids and olive oil that were submitted with the petition, I urge the Food and Drug Administration to authorize this claim.

Very truly yours,

John J. Profaci