Sceening Technologies Branch


For More Information About This Series Contact:
Pam Young
Phone: 301-846-5875

Series Calendar:
7/16/2008 Eileen White, Ph.D. Role of Autophagy in Cancer and Treatment
1/23/2008 Angelika Burger, PhD, University of Maryland, School of Medicine Cancer Stem Cells-Therapeutic Implications
10/31/2007 Dr. Waldemar Priebe Chemistry (Chemist?) Inspired/Led Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development
11/30/2005 Robert A. Kramer, Ph.D. The Evolution of Small Molecule Kinase Inhibitors
10/26/2005 Guy T. Carter, Ph.D. Exploiting Marine Microbial Biodiversity in a Modern Natural Products Drug Discovery Program
6/8/2005 Peter J. Houghton, Ph.D The Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program: An NCI Initiative to Identify Active Agents for Treatment of Childhood Cancer
5/25/2005 Gregg L. Semenza, M.D.,Ph.D., Director, Vascular Program Overexpression of HIF-1 in Human Cancer: Mechanisms and Consequences
5/11/2005 Dr. David Piwnica-Worms Imaging Signal Transduction and Protein-Protein Interactions in Vivo With Genetically Encoded Reporters
4/27/2005 Dr. Lee J. Helman, M.D. mTOR Molecular Determinant of Aggressive Behavior in Sarcomas
4/6/2005 Dr. Chris H. Takimoto Dual Kinase Inhibitors: Clinical Studies With AEE788, A Multi-targeted Tyrosone Kinase Inhibitor
3/9/2005 Dr. Dietmar Siemann, Ph.D. Vascular Targeting Approaches in Cancer Therapy
2/23/2005 Panos Z. Anastasiadis, Ph.D. Roles of p120 Catenin in Intercellular Adhesion and Metastasis