Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date: 1/18/01

Series: Departmental Management

Part 302: Automatic Succession

Chapter 3: Secretarial Succession

Originating Office: Office of Planning and Performance Management


302 DM 3

3.1 Acting Secretary. Automatic succession to the position of Secretary of the Interior is provided by Executive Order 11487, dated October 6, 1969 (Published in the Federal Register, October 8, 1969 - 34 FR 15593). Section 1 of the Order provides that: "During any period when by reason of absence, disability, or vacancy in office, neither the Secretary of the Interior nor the Under Secretary of the Interior is available to exercise the powers or perform the duties of the office of Secretary, an Assistant Secretary of the Interior or the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, in such order as the Secretary of the Interior may from time to time prescribe, shall act as Secretary. If no such order of succession is in effect at that time, they shall act as Secretary in the order in which they shall have taken office as Assistant Secretaries or Solicitor."

A. Designation by the Secretary. In accordance with Executive Order 11487, when neither the Secretary nor the Under (Deputy) Secretary is available to exercise the power or perform the duties of the Secretary, the Departmental officials listed in the following order shall act as Secretary:

(1) Solicitor

(2) Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget

(3) Assistant Secretary - Land and Minerals Management

(4) Assistant Secretary - Water and Science

(5) Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks

(6) Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

B. In emergency situations (when none of the officials listed in 302 DM 3.1A, above, are available to exercise the Secretary’s authority) the following positions are delegated full authority of the Secretary in the order listed and until such time as one of the officials listed above him or her is available to exercise the Secretary’s authority:

(1) Reclamation Service Center Director, Bureau of Reclamation

(2) Central Region Director, U.S. Geological Survey

(3) Intermountain Regional Director, National Park Service

(4) Region 6 Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

(5) Colorado State Director, Bureau of Land Management

(6) Regional Solicitor, Rocky Mountain Region

3.2 Acting Deputy Secretary or Assistant Secretary. Succession to the position of Deputy Secretary or Assistant Secretary is provided by Executive Order 9794, dated October 26, 1946, which authorizes and designates the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, when so directed by the Secretary of the Interior, to perform the duties of the Deputy Secretary of the Interior or of an Assistant Secretary of the Interior in the event of the death, resignation, absence, or sickness of the Deputy Secretary or of an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, respectively.

1/18/01 #3357

Replaces 1/30/90 #2883

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