
This page is designed to help student-past, present and future-plan for, finance, repay and get the most out of their college experience.


PLAN YOUR EDUCATION: This page is designed to help you prepare for college and ultimately your career. It includes information on how to  apply, a parents' guide, and a guide to online college opportunities for prospective students


HOW TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL STUDENT ASSISTANCE: This page walks prospective students through the application process for Federal Student Aid (FSA), and includes all relevant forms and guides on how to complete these forms. Also contains other alternatives for funding your education.


FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: Looking for opportunities to fund college or to gain invaluable career experience? This section provides links to federally sponsored scholarships as well as fellowship and internship programs with federal agencies.


LOAN CONSOLIDATION AND REPAYMENT: You are out of school and faced with repaying your student loans. In this section please find forms as well as links to federal loan consolidation programs and federally sponsored programs that offer help with loan repayment.


MILITARY SERVICE: Click here for information on how Congressman Ryan can help nominate you for one of our nation's military academies, or click here for information on service in the Armed Forces while in college, and how to register online for Selective Service, among many other features.


COMMUNITY SERVICE: Looking for a way to give back to your community? It is possible for one person to make a difference.  This page will help you become involved with links to and information on volunteer opportunities in your communitiy,


INTERN FOR CONGRESSMAN RYAN: This section provides information and contacts for students and recent grads interested in working as an intern in Congressman Ryan's office.


OHIO UNIVERSITIES and COLLEGES: This section provides information on Ohio's institutions of higher education.


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