NTSB Identification: DCA08RA050
Scheduled 14 CFR operation of Hewa Bora
Accident occurred Tuesday, April 15, 2008 in Goma, Congo
Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-9-51, registration: 9Q-CHN
Injuries: 40 Fatal, 111 Serious, 51 Uninjured.

On April 15, 2008, a Hewa Bora DC-9-51, registration 9Q-CHN, overran runway 18 and crashed into a residential area after aborting the takeoff. The aircraft was destroyed along with several residential buildings. Of the 86 passengers and 8 crewmembers onboard, 3 passengers received fatal injuries and 40 received minor or serious injuries. Initial reports indicate there were 37 ground persons that received fatal injuries and 71 that received minor or serious injuries.

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