NTSB Identification: DCA08RA028
Scheduled 14 CFR operation of British Airways
Accident occurred Thursday, January 17, 2008 in London, United Kingdom
Aircraft: Boeing 777-236ER, registration: G-YMMM
Injuries: 2 Minor, 191 Uninjured.

On January 17, 2008, at 12:42 UTC, a British Airways Boeing 777-236ER, registration G-YMMM, s/n 30314, landed short of runway 27 left at Heathrow International Airport, London, England. The 136 passengers deplaned by using the emergency slides and there are 2 minor injuries reported. The UK Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) is investigating and Bill English (AS-10) is launching as the US accredited representative with Carol Horgan (AS-40) and Steve Magladry (AS-40) assisting as the powerplants and systems technical specialists respectively. The FAA and Boeing will be technical advisors.

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