NTSB Identification: DCA07RA061
Scheduled 14 CFR operation of China Air Lines
Accident occurred Monday, August 20, 2007 in Naha, Okinawa, Japan
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800, registration: B18616
Injuries: 165 Uninjured.

At 10:36 local time (JST) a China Air Lines B737-800 caught fire after landing at Naha Airport (Okinawa), Japan. Preliminary reports indicate that the fire orginated from one of the engines and then progressed to the fuselage. There were 157 passengers and 8 crew members on board. An emergency evacation was done by slides and no injuries have been reported. The NTSB is sending an accredited representative and a powerplant specialist to assist the Aircraft and Railroad Accident Investigation Committee (ARAIC) of Japan with their investigation. They will be accompanied by technical advisors from Boeing, the FAA, and GE.

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