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Query Interstate Cases for Kids

Query Interstate Cases for Kids

Slide 2: QUICK

Moving Forward with New Ways to Support Evolving Business Needs.

Slide 3: What Is QUICK?

  • QUICK is Real Time. View financial andbasic case information
  • QUICK is One-on-One. Review a single case
  • QUICK Saves Time. Response in seconds
  • QUICK is Safe. The application uses encryption

Slide 4: Purpose

  • Provide States with a secure interface to access and view information from other States' systems
  • Provide meaningful data in a consistent format
    • Standard data definitions
    • Presented in a format with similar "look and feel"

Slide 5: Benefits of Using QUICK

  • View information in real-time, i.e., the latest information available in the other State
  • Provides information not available through other electronic means
  • Improves communications between States
  • Provides an immediate system response rather than a worker response to questions
  • Improves consistency of data definitions
  • Saves caseworkers time and money on phone calls, voice mail, snail-mail, faxes - much faster (responses in 3-11 seconds)
  • Improves customer service response time

Slide 6: Financial Module

  • Participant Information
    • Name
    • SSN
    • DOB
    • Family Violence and Born Out of Wedlock Indicators
  • Financial Summary
    • Current Obligation
    • Last Payment Information
    • Balance to Date
  • NCP Payment Detail
  • Disbursement Detail

Slide 7: Case Activities Module

  • Case Activity Statements
    • Completed business actions on a case
    • Locate and paternity establishment
    • Significant milestones, such as e-IWO issued, support order establishment and enforcement
  • Contact Information
    • Name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail for caseworker handling the case in the other State

Slide 8: State-Reported Benefits

  • Central Case Registry
    • Use the complete financial record for balancing arrears
  • Interstate Case Reconciliation
    • Verify participant information to reconcile case IDs
  • Caseworkers
    • Obtain recent financial activity
    • Determine case status
    • Confirm case participants
    • Respond to customer service inquiries
  • Court Appearances
    • Some courts accepting printed financial records from QUICK
    • QUICK printouts provide basic background information

Slide: 9: When and Why Would I Use QUICK?

  • When I need information on a case shared with another State participating in QUICK
  • When I am looking for information on a shared participant
  • When I need to verify basic case information
  • When I am looking for financial data
  • When I need to see completed actions on a case
  • When I need caseworker contact information

Slide 10-13: Critical Success Factors

States in production agree there are key points that are critical to the successful implementation of the QUICK application.

  • Use a Multi-Disciplinary Approach
    • Assemble a team of policy, business, training, software/web development, network, and system staff to participate in the development process
  • Communicate Frequently and Regularly
    • Conduct weekly meetings with the various stakeholders throughout the development and implementation process
  • Begin Data Mapping Early
    • Initiate the data element mapping process early, and follow up with the QUICK End User Support team for questions
  • Work with a Partner
    • Contact a State already in production or another State considering implementing QUICK, and work together
  • Don't Reinvent the Wheel
    • Use code developed by other States
    • States' code are posted on the QUICK Workplace for download
  • Conduct Thorough User Acceptance Testing
    • Extensive user acceptance testing was critical to success

Slide 14: Do Caseworkers Like QUICK ?

A Few Comments ...

"This is the COOLEST thing I think I have ever seen as far as DRS tools go! With these customer service lines and stuff, literally, this can save us HOURS of just making one successful phone call!"

"This is fantastic! It is very simple to use and will be a great tool in working Interstate Cases."

"This is too cool! Our fiscal folks are loving it for returned checks and problems like that!!"

"This is a great tool for UIFSA. We can see the amount and payments."

"Love QUICK. Please get all States online ASAP."

Slide 15: Different Levels of Rollout

  • QUICK Rollout at Different Levels
    • Central Office Level
      • Interstate caseworkers use QUICK
      • Developing plan to roll out to States in the future
    • Regional/District Level
      • Caseworkers at district level using QUICK
      • Incrementally rollout to a few surrounding counties
    • Statewide Level
      • Caseworkers throughout the State in field offices using QUICK
      • Used intranet, newsletters, e-mails, training to rollout
  • Early planning for implementation leads to successful statewide usage

Slide 16: Technical Highlights

  • Security Features
  • Data Flow
  • Data Request Options
  • Messaging
  • Security Protocol
  • Application Architecture

Slide 17: QUICK Security Features

  • Data transmissions are encrypted
  • Users must be authenticated via a certified State system
  • Key user transactions are logged
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates are used to authenticate servers

Slide 18: QUICK Data Flow

QUICK Data Flow

Slide 19: Data Request Options

  1. HTML Request
  2. XML/SOAP Request

Slide 20: Option 1: HTML Request

HTML Request Flow

Slide 21: Option 2: XML/SOAP Request

XML/SOAP Request Flow

Slide 22: QUICK Messaging Overview

QUICK Messaging Overview

Slide 23: QUICK Messaging State Interface

QUICK Messaging State Interface

Slide 24: SSL Security Handshake Protocol

SSL Security Handshake Protocol Image

Application Architecture

Components OCSE Examples of Options
Development Components Struts JChart, Xerces, Xalan, Log4J, Threadworks
IDE Eclipse Visual Studio, NetBeans, WebSphere Studio, JBuilder
Build Management ANT Shell scripts
Development Language J2EE C#, C++, Visual Basic, PERL, Python
Web Services Apache Axis .NET, Websphere, Weblogic
Application Server Apache Tomcat .NET, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic
Web Server Apache Webserver IIS, iPlanet
Database MySQL SqlServer, DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL
Operating System SUSE LINUX Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Redhat, BSD

Slide 26 - 39: QUICK Web Application Screen Shots


Disclaimer Screen Shot

Case Request

Case Request Screen Shot

Financial Summapry

Financial Summary Screen Shot

NCP Payment Detail

NCP Payment Detail Screen Shot

Disbursement Detail

Disbursement Detail Screen Shot

Case Participants

Case Participants Screen Shot

Case Activities Summary

Case Activities Summary Screen Shot


Locate Screen Shot


Paternity Screen Shot

Order Establishment

Contact Information Screen Shot


Enforcement Screen Shot

Contact Information

Contact Information Screen Shot


Help Screen Shot

Slide 40: How Can OCSE Help?

  • Conducts QUICK Conference Calls
  • Technical Staff Assist States With:
    • Setting up connectivity
    • Data guidance
    • Tailoring code to fit the State's system
    • Resolving development issues
  • Hosts a QUICK Workplace
  • Provides a QUICK Help Desk

Slide 41: QUICK Summary

  • QUICK can provide immediate access to other States' data
  • Case IDs are the key – caseworkers must have your State's case ID and the other State's case ID to complete a query
  • All States will provide as much information in responses as is available in the statewide system
  • All States use a standard definition to map the data elements
  • The QUICK system is secure

Slide 43: Next Steps: Questions and Comments

Slide 43: Contact Information

QUICK Help Desk

QUICK Web Address

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Last modified: August 22, 2008