Flag Requests


Since September 11th, the U.S. Capitol Flag Office has received an overwhelming number of requests for flags to be flown. Therefore, you will probably not receive your flag until at least 6 weeks after it has been flown. Please keep this delay in mind if you are ordering flags to be presented on a specific date or for a special occasion. To order your flag, print this form, fill it out, and mail it with your payment to the below address:



Name: _________________________________________   Date: _____________________


Address: ____________________________________________________________________


City: ________________________________________________________________________


State: __________________________   Zip Code: _________________________________


Email Address: _______________________________________________________________


Phone (Home): _______________________________________________________________


Phone (Work): ________________________________________________________________


Please indicate the flag size and fabric you would like  

Flag Type
Flag Cost
Flying Fee 
3'x5' Cotton
3'x5' Nylon
4'x6' Nylon
5'x8' Cotton
5'x8' Nylon


 We are only able to accept checks for purchase of flags

Please Note: These postage prices are for sending one flag via U.S. Postal Mail. If more than one flag is being sent to the same location, the cost of postage increases. Please contact Janna in our Washington, D.C. office for the correct price at (202) 225-5261.


Mark which applies:

____I would like the flag flown on the following date if possible

_________________  ______, 20______ 


____Date doesn't matter



A certificate of recognition is included with each flag. Please indicate if the flag is for a particular individual, family, or group, or will commemorate a special occasion:






Please enclose a check with this form for the exact dollar amount show above. The check should be made payable to "Office Supply Account: Ryan" and both should be mailed to:

Janna Pea

Constituent Liaison

Congressman Tim Ryan

1421 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515


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