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Office of Minority Health
National Partnership for Action - Regional Conversations Meeting

2009 Annual Award Nominations

  • Thank you to everyone who submitted an Award Nomination! Award recipients will be notified via email, letter and phone call starting on January 16, 2009.


The Office of Minority Health (OMH), U .S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announces the OMH Awards Program as part of the National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health. The Summit will bring together leaders from all levels of government, academia, public health, mental health, minority-serving institutions, and minority communities to advance key issues and opportunities for improving minority health and closing the health gap . The landmark 1985 Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health created OMH and served as an impetus for addressing health inequities for racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. This Summit marks the 23rd year since the establishment of OMH and is intended to promote best practices and collaborative actions that are vital to improving minority health in the future.


OMH will confer six categories of awards to recognize and honor contributions that have made a difference to the health of racial/ethnic minorities and to the elimination of disparities in health. The awards are in recognition of the dedicated efforts of individuals, organizations and communities that have resulted in awareness of the health status of racial/ethnic minority populations, empowered minority communities to promote health and advocate healthy behaviors, and strengthened partnerships to improve the health status and quality of life for racial/ethnic minority populations.

Award Categories

Nomination Procedure

Awards will be presented at the National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health in February 2009 during the commemorative event. Nominations may be submitted by an individual, an organization, or a coalition and are due by January 2, 2009

The nomination process will require the following:

  1. Identify the appropriate award from the list of awards. Nominations may be submitted online or mailed to the following address:
      Professional & Scientific Associates
      Attn: 2009 Summit Awards Committee, OMH
      2100 Reston Parkway
      Suite 300
      Reston, VA 20191

  2. Write a description (not to exceed two pages) of why the nominee should be recognized. The description must include:
    1. Name of nominee and credentials, experience (if any), and contributions made to the particular award category for which the individual is being nominated; and
    2. A biographic profile of the nominee (a brief current resume should be attached as well).

  3. Describe the importance of the nominee's contributions and provide evidence of the accomplishments or activities that have made the nominee outstanding.

  4. Submit three (3) letters of reference (each not to exceed two pages) and other documents (i.e., newspaper articles, brochures) that support the nomination.

  5. Selection will be based on information contained in the nomination package only. Award decision will be made prior to the Summit.

Nomination Standards

  1. Each organization and/or individual is allowed ONLY ONE nomination.

  2. Materials submitted for consideration will not be returned.

To Nominate Online

Nominations may be submitted by an individual, an organization, or a coalition and are due by January 2, 2009. Please Click Here to Submit your Nomination Online. Be sure to include all required information (see nomination procedure above) in your email and on attached word documents.


If you have any questions about the OMH awards program, please contact the OMH Award Committee via email at or phone at 1-877-772-3044.

For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(One award will be made) The recipient of this award is a visionary leader who has dedicated their career towards the welfare and advancement of minority health and health disparities through inimitable contributions. This individual's extraordinary achievement in bringing people and institutions together has resulted in significant improvement in the health of racial and ethnic minorities at a national level.
  • Evidence that the nominee's ideas were bold, original and visionary with respect to improving the health of racial and ethnic minority populations.
  • Evidence of nominee's influence among community coalitions and consumers to improve the health status and quality of life for racial/ethnic minority populations.
  • Demonstrated performance as a role model who has inspired others at all levels to take on initiatives that further the work towards eliminating health disparities.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(One award will be made) The recipient of this award is recognized as a pioneer in taking action to further the goals of improving the health status of all racial/ethnic minority Americans. This individual's effort to eliminate health disparities and develop new and innovative solutions for improving and well-being for racial/ethnic minority Americans has left a significant impact on closing the health gap.
  • Evidence that this individual has played a central role in furthering minority health as a vital part of the national health care agenda.
  • Demonstrated extraordinary vision and an unwavering commitment to provide the leadership necessary to elevate concerns for minority health, the issues of disease and access to health care, to a level of highest priority by health and public health professionals.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(Two awards will be made) The recipient of this award is a past or present official within a federal, state, local, or tribal government who has shown dedicated leadership in advancing improvements in minority health. This individual has inspired other government employees to work collaboratively and with singular purpose to improve minority health and eliminate health disparities.
  • Demonstrated ability to coalesce constituencies at the state, local and tribal levels toward the goal of eliminating health disparities in racial/ethnic communities.
  • Evidence of programs that this individual has initiated and/or supported that are innovative, collaborative and created partnerships within the federal, state, local and tribal governments.
  • Demonstrated performance as a role model who has inspired others at all levels to take on initiatives that worked towards eliminating health disparities.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(One award will be made) The recipient of this award is a private or non-profit entity with demonstrated vision, innovation, creativity, and leadership in developing opportunities or investing in effective models for improving the health of racial and ethnic minority communities.
  • Evidence of vision and leadership through the initiation of funding and supporting health care and community organizations dedicated to improving the health of racial and ethnic minority communities.
  • Evidence of demonstrated commitment to minority health through a "hands on approach" (i .e. serving on a minority health committee or board, volunteering in an effort related to minority health, etc.)
  • Demonstrated performance as a role model who has inspired others at all levels to take on initiatives that further the work towards eliminating health disparities.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(One award will be made) The recipient of this award is an academician or researcher (including community-based) with a substantial research, writing, and/or publishing work that had advanced knowledge about minority health and the elimination of health disparities. Candidates for this award include professors from minority-serving or majority institutions or higher education, research institutions, and other organizations whose efforts have contributed, and inspired others to contribute, to the body of knowledge needed to close the health gap.
  • Evidence of contributing to the advanced body of knowledge needed to close the health gap.
  • Demonstrated performance as a role model who has inspired others at all levels to contribute to the body of knowledge to further the work towards eliminating health disparities.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].


(Five awards will be made) Five awards will be bestowed to an individual, organization, or coalition of organizations that represent the following communities: African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian American, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. The recipient from each community will have demonstrated leadership in improving the health of their respective population. This award also recognizes those whose pioneering contributions have been outstanding and unique, and whose efforts have "blazed a trail" in the community
  • Evidence of community impact in the elimination of health disparities and the betterment of health and well being of community residents
  • Evidence of ingenuity displayed in the conception, design and execution of the work/leadership as it applies to the elimination of health disparities and the betterment of health and well-being of community residents.
  • Evidence of challenges overcome by the nominee's work (individual, organization or coalition) in addressing the area of expertise and/or projects/activities. Examples include diversity in race/ethnicity among groups, other factors such as language, special populations, emerging populations or health needs, hard to reach sub-groups, socio economic and level of education, etc.
For the complete list of criteria click here to download the Nomination Packet [DOC | 97KB].

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Content Last Modified: 01/14/2009 02:37:00 PM