From: Jean Masonek [] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:51 PM To: '' Subject: Comment on the "Active Query" Provisions of the Proposed Rule on Safety Reporting My name is Jean Masonek, and I am the Safety Clinical Research Associate at BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. in Novato, CA. I have been a Drug Safety Associate at various biotechnology companies in the Bay Area for 5 years. I am writing to comment on the proposal that "Active Query" be required for gathering follow-up information on SADR reports, and that such query is defined as "telephone or other interactive means." It appears that gathering information via e-mail has been specifically omitted, and I believe that e-mail should be a valid means of "active query." Telephone contact with initial reporters is a major hardship when the pharmaceutical company and the initial reporter are in widely different time zones. As an example, I have reporters in both Austria and Australia, and I cannot contact them by phone without substantial inconvenience to one party or the other. For this reason alone I believe e-mail should be a valid form of "active query." Also, any information obtained via telephone must be written up as a Telephone Contact Report (TCR) for the case file. TCRs cannot, by their very nature, be a verbatim rendition of the information exchanged, so the possibility for error and confusion in the transcribing of information exists. The dating of TCRs cannot be verified. E-mails, on the other hand, provide an exact record of what was said by each party, and are date and time stamped automatically by the computer system. Therefore the dates of the request and reply are independently confirmed, and the information gathered is recorded exactly for the case file. It is certainly possible for reporters to ignore e-mail requests, but it is equally possible for reporters to ignore voicemail messages or telephone messages left with other staff persons at their sites (as I have experienced on numerous occasions). In fact, I believe that most people in a professional setting today are more accustomed to checking and responding to e-mails promptly than they are to checking and responding to voicemails promptly. I have had great success contacting reporters by e-mail, and appreciate the accuracy of documentation that an e-mail print-out provides for the case file. Therefore I would respectfully request that e-mail be included as a valid form of "active query" in the proposed rule. Thank you. Jean Masonek, RN Safety CRA BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. 415-506-6179 415-382-6075 (fax)