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DONNELLY: ‘Tell them thank you’
By Congressman Joe Donnelly
Kokomo Tribune, November 11, 2007

As Americans, each and every one of us is able to enjoy the freedoms, liberties and security we do because of those who protect and defend our nation.

I deeply believe that the people of the United States owe a great debt of gratitude to every brave American who has served their nation in uniform, whether in times of peace or in times of conflict. From day one, ensuring that our veterans receive the care, benefits and service befitting their service and sacrifice to America has been one of my top priorities as a new member of Congress and a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Taking care of America’s veterans and our service members is a key part of keeping our present and future military strong. Good benefits, pay and equipment for current service members and excellent benefits and care for retirees and veterans sends a message to future service members that America will always take care of them. This is very much a matter of military readiness and one of maintaining the sacred contract between country and soldier.

This year, the House of Representatives, with my full support, passed the biggest funding increase in the VA’s history. The Fiscal Year 2008 VA Appropriations bill provides more than a $6.7 billion increase over last year’s level and for the first time ever exceeds the Independent Budget put forward by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other service organizations. I am working with my colleagues in Congress to move this bill to the president and I hope he can sign it into law soon.

I have also pushed for improved care options and more accessible VA services for veterans in Indiana. I was pleased to announce earlier this year that the VA will be opening another Community-Based Outpatient Clinic for northern Indiana veterans. The clinic will open in Elkhart County next spring and provide primary care services for veterans in northern Indiana and southern Michigan. I am also actively pushing the VA to expand its presence even more in north central Indiana.

I believe working closely with veterans and hearing directly their personal experiences and views about the policies and decisions that affect them is crucial to my ability to effectively serve my constituents and America’s veterans. I meet regularly with a Veterans Advisory Committee that informs me of their concerns and needs as veterans. I have found their insight and advice invaluable.

As a result of the effective advice I receive from my Advisory Committee and also getting to know the unique needs of veterans living in rural America, I introduced legislation that would establish an Advisory Committee on Rural Veterans. Comprised of experts and veterans familiar with issues and challenges that affect rural veterans, the committee would advise and report directly to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. I am pleased that this legislation has passed the House of Representatives and I am hopeful the Senate will act soon so that we can move it quickly for the president’s approval.

Another topic that dominates discussion every time I meet with veterans is the backlog of disability claims growing at the VA and the length of time it takes to get a claim approved. Currently, about 600,000 disability claims are awaiting consideration by the VA. It now takes on average almost six months for the VA to process a new claim, even though close to 90 percent of all disability claims are ultimately approved. This is simply unacceptable.

In response, I’ve introduced legislation in Congress to speed up the process, to give our wounded veterans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their claims, and to provide disability benefits more quickly than the current process. I’ve also voted to provide the VA the funding it needs to train and hire an additional 1,000 claims workers to reduce the backlog and wait on claims as quickly as possible.

I believe America is so great because of many things. We are a land and a people blessed like no other nation on Earth. However, I strongly believe that we are so great in part because of Americans who serve their nation, in the name of liberty, in defense of freedom, and far from the comforts and safety of home. If you see one of these great Americans, whether it’s Veterans Day or any other day of the year, make sure to tell them thank you.

Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., represents Kokomo and the state’s 2nd District in Congress.

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