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Administration on Developmental Disabilitiesskip to primary page content

Formula Grant Programs (DDC and P&A)

Sec. 1386.31 State Plan submittal and approval.

(a) The Council shall issue a public notice about the availability of the proposed State Plan or State Plan amendment(s) for comment. The Notice shall be published in formats accessible to individuals with developmental disabilities and the general public (e.g., tape, diskette, public forums, newspapers) and shall provide a 45 day period for public review and comment. The Council shall take into account comments submitted within that period and respond in the State Plan to significant comments and suggestions. A summary of the Council's response to State Plan comments shall be submitted with the State Plan and made available for public review. This document shall be made available in accessible formats upon request.

(b) The State plan must be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office of the Department 45 days prior to the fiscal year for which it is applicable. Unless State law provides differently, the State plan and amendments or related documents must be approved by the Governor or the Governor's designee as may be required by any applicable Federal issuances.

(c) Failure to submit an approvable State plan or amendment prior to the Federal fiscal years for which it is applicable may result in the loss of Federal financial Participation. Costs resulting from obligations incurred during the period of the fiscal year for which an approved plan is not in effect are not eligible for Federal financial Participation.

(d) The Commissioner must approve any State plan or plan amendment provided it meets the requirements of the Act and these regulations.

(e) Amendments to the State plan are required when substantive changes are contemplated in plan content.

[49 FR 11779, Mar. 27, 1984, as amended at 61 FR 51160, Sept. 30, 1996]