Jan. 6, 2009: Congressman Tim Ryan Sworn in to the 111th Congress


Looks towards a year of major economic legislation, fighting for the 17th District


(Washington, D.C.)  Congressman Tim Ryan (OH 17) was sworn into the 111th Congress this afternoon by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the United States Capitol. Congressman Ryan reiterated his commitment to working with President-elect Barack Obama and the House leadership to bring good jobs and investment back to the district.


“I am honored to have been given the trust of my constituents to return to Washington D.C. and continue my work to bring good jobs and economic revival back to the 17th Congressional District,” said Congressman Tim Ryan. “The 111th Congress could present us with a historic opportunity to bring good jobs back to our community. President-Elect Barack Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are committed to doing what it takes to turn our economy around including large investments in infrastructure and a new green economy. I look forward to working with them to make sure that we are in a position to bring those new green energy manufacturing jobs back home.”

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