FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 11, 1999 SB-99-17


Washington DC - The National Transportation Safety Board has targeted 10 issues as its priorities for improving transportation safety within the United States.

“I believe that every single one of our recommendations is important and when implemented will improve safety.” Chairman Jim Hall said. “But some recommendations have greater potential to save lives. Those are the ones we’ve turned the spotlight on by putting them on our Most Wanted List.”

Ten safety improvements comprise the Board’s Most Wanted list, which was updated at a public meeting today. Revisions made to the list include:

Issues highlighted on the Most Wanted list are as follows:

Also discussed at the meeting was the Board’s frustration with long standing recommendations including those to amend hours-of-service regulations made to the Department of Transportation 10 years ago.

For more information, visit the NTSB web site at www.ntsb.gov.

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Media contact: Lauren Peduzzi (202) 314-6100

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