FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 24, 2007 SB-07-27


Washington, DC -- As Memorial Day heralds the dawn of another summer travel season, National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Mark V. Rosenker today reminded all Americans that a few simple safety precautions can save many lives both this weekend and all summer. He also gave his support to the nationwide "Click It Or Ticket" campaign, and praised New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine for his radio and television messages supporting seat belt use.

"Thousands of Americans die needlessly every year on our highways, hundreds more on our recreational waterways," Chairman Rosenker said. "A few simple safety precautions can reduce the chances of you becoming one of those statistics.

"Make sure that you don't drink and drive, or ride in a car with someone who is. Remember, the single most effective safety action you can take is to fasten your seatbelt. Unrestrained vehicle occupants are ejected 29 percent of the time, with 74 percent of those totally ejected killed.

"I applaud all the local and state authorities who are participating in the 'Click It Or Ticket' campaign around the country. And I particularly want to thank Governor Corzine for his powerful TV and radio message, which was released this week. He learned the importance of seat belt use from his near-death experience. Before putting your vehicle in Drive, make sure everyone in it is properly restrained."

An average of 714 boaters die each year on our waterways, 508 by drowning. Most of those who drown were in open motorboats and in boats less than 21 feet in length. According to U.S. Coast Guard statistics, about 84 percent of those drowning victims would still be alive if they had worn a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). The Safety Board has recommended that all states require PFD use by children under age 13.

"We all want to enjoy ourselves this summer with our friends and family," Rosenker said, "Let's be smart about safety."


NTSB Press Contact: Ted Lopatkiewicz
(202) 314-6100


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