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Ex: h.r. 842, s. 5

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We invite you to apply for unpaid internships in our offices in both Washington D.C. and in the district. These highly competitive positions offer unique opportunities for you to gain an insider's view of the legislative process.

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Internship Application | Print |

Congressman Ryan

Representing Ohio's Seventeenth Congressional District

Internship Application


Full Name: __________________________________________________________


 Home Address:                                 School Address:

____________________________ _________________________________

____________________________ _________________________________

Phone: ______________________ _________________________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________

In which office(s) would you prefer to intern?

District Office ________ Washington, D.C. Office ________ Either ________

Dates and hours available to participate in the program (be as specific as possible):



College or University: _____________________________________________________

Current year: ____ Freshman, ____ Sophomore, ____ Junior, ____ Senior,

____ Grad Student  (If so, what degree program? __________________ )


MAJOR: ____________________________ MINOR: _________________________


Are you planning to get academic credit for this internship? ________

If YES, number of course credits you anticipate: __________

Name and phone of program coordinator: _____________________________________

Please include a copy of course requirements/expectations.

How did you learn about this program? _______________________________________

Describe your familiarity with computers, list specific software knowledge: ________________________________________________________________________



PART II: Please attach a resume



Return the completed form and attachments to:


Internships in Washington Office 

U.S. Representative Tim Ryan

1421 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Fax: 202-225-3719

Attn: Intern Coordinator


Internships in Ohio:

U.S. Representative Tim Ryan

197 West Market St.

Warren, OH 44481

Fax: 330-373-0098

Attn: District Intern Coordinator


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FY2010 Earmark Application Forms Available Here

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