NTSB Advisory
National Transportation Safety Board
Washington, DC 20594
December 6, 2001


Washington, D.C. - The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public meeting Tuesday, December 11 at 9:30 at its Board Room and Conference Center, 426 L’Enfant Plaza, S. W., Washington, D.C. There are two items on the agenda:

Railroad Special Investigation Accident Report: Two accidents involving the Maryland Transit Administration at Baltimore Washington International Airport will be analyzed in one report. On February 13, 2000, an MTA light rail train en route from Baltimore to BWI derailed after striking the hydraulic bumping post at the terminus of track No. 1 at the airport station. There were 25 passengers and 1 operator; 18 persons were injured.

On August 15, 2000, an almost identical accident occurred on track 2 of the BWI station. The post separated from its attachment to the track and came to rest in an inverted position. There were 22 passengers and 1 operator; 17 persons were injured. Media Contact: Keith Holloway.

Highway Accident Report: On March 28, 2000 a grade crossing accident involving a Murray County, Georgia school bus and a CSX Transportation freight train occurred in Conasauga, Tennessee. Three children on the school bus were killed. Media Contact: Lauren Peduzzi.

An abstract of the final reports, containing the Board’s findings, the probable cause(s) of the accident, and safety recommendations, will be available after the meeting. The abstract along with a press release will be posted on the NTSB web site (www.ntsb.gov). The full text of the final reports will be available on the web site at a later date.

Directions to Board Room: Front door located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L’Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L’Enfant Plaza station at 9th and D Streets escalator, walk through shopping mall, at CVS store take escalator down one level. Board Room will be to your left.

NTSB Public Affairs: (202) 314-6100

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