
Congressman Ryan with Winter'07 interns John Amdor & Casey McElfresh 




 Dear Student,


We invite you to apply for unpaid internships in our offices in both Washington D.C. and in the district. These highly competitive positions offer unique opportunities for you to gain an insider's view of the legislative process.


Interns play an important role in our offices. Duties include helping with general office work such as answering phones, opening mail, and sending faxes, and interns help communicate with constituents and handle basic constituent requests. In addition, we encourage interns to attend hearings, briefings, bill markups, and press conferences. We want the internship experience to provide intellectual challenge beyond typical intern duties and are looking for proactive individuals who will make the most of their experience.


Although we accept applications from younger students as well as postgraduates, preference will be given to college juniors and seniors. Ideal candidates should possess good oral and written communication skills, demonstrate knowledge of computer applications, and exhibit creativity and initiative.


In general, applicants should be able to make a commitment of at least 6 weeks and be available to work 25 to 40 hours each week.


The following deadlines apply:


  Application Deadline  Notification Deadline 
Fall (Sept.-Dec.) 

August 1

August 15 

Spring (Jan.- April) 

Dec. 1 

Dec. 15 

Summer (Full or Half) 

April 5 

April 20 



Download Internship Application Here


If you are interested in applying or have any questions, contact:

Internships in Washington, D.C.

Erin Isenberg

Office of Congressman Tim Ryan

1421 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515


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Internships in Ohio

Pat Lowry

Office of Congressman Tim Ryan

197 W. Market Street

Warren, OH 44481


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Students looking for summer housing in Washington D.C. should check out the local university dormitories (e.g., Georgetown, George Washington, American, Catholic, etc.) and the following web sites: The Washington Post, Washington City Paper and Roll Call.



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