FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 28, 2003     SB-03-11


Washington, DC - Richard F. Healing was sworn in today as a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board.

Before joining the Safety Board, Mr. Healing had been Director of Transportation Safety and Security for the Battelle Memorial Institute since March 2002. Based in Washington, DC, he had primary responsibility for Battelle's relationship with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Prior to this, Mr. Healing had served since 1985 as Director, Safety and Survivability, for the Department of the Navy. During his Navy civilian career, his work focused on aviation safety and emphasized benefits from sharing military safety information with other aviation community participants, especially commercial aviation.

In 2001, Mr. Healing was presented the Navy's highest civilian award - the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal. He also was recognized with the SAFE International "General Spruance Award" for safety education achievement, and an Aviation Week "Laurel" for bringing new awareness to the importance of wire health and condition monitoring technology in aviation. Other awards include the Navy Superior Public Service Medal for creating the Navy's Safety Non-Developmental Items program, and the Defense Superior Service Medal for active military service during Desert Storm and Desert Shield.

Before coming to Washington in 1983, Mr. Healing was President and CEO of an engineering, construction and contracting services firm in Connecticut. He also was Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Fairfield Precision Industries, a manufacturer of replacement parts for the military.

A licensed Professional Engineer since 1974, Mr. Healing attended the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He pursued graduate studies at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport Engineering Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Harvard University, and Georgetown University. He graduated from the Naval War College in 1990, and was selected to participate on the President's Commission on Executive Exchange. In 1991, he was a Senior Executive Fellow at Harvard University.

Mr. Healing served 6½ years active duty in the U.S. Coast Guard. After more than 29 years and four commands, he retired from the Coast Guard Reserve as a Captain.

Mr. Healing's term as Board Member expires on December 31, 2006.

Media Contact: Paul Schlamm
(202) 314-6100


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