NTSB Advisory
National Transportation Safety Board
Washington, DC 20594
August 31, 2006


The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public Board meeting on Wednesday, September 6, at 9:30 a.m., in its Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC.

The meeting will focus on a discussion of the NTSB's "Most Wanted List" of safety improvements - a series of recommendations the Safety Board has issued to the States over the past few years. The Board will evaluate how responsive the States have been to its recommendations.

The State Most Wanted list has six issue areas:

* Improved Child Occupant Protection - Paul Schlamm
* School Buses at Grade Crossings - Paul Schlamm
* Primary Seat Belt Laws - Terry Williams
* Hard Core Drinking Driving - Ted Lopatkiewicz
* Youth Highway Safety - Keith Holloway
* Recreational Boating Safety - Keith Holloway

The Most Wanted List was established in 1990 as a way for the Safety Board to focus attention on needed safety improvements in all modes of transportation. The list highlights recommendations that, if implemented, the Safety Board believes will have a significant impact on reducing deaths and injuries.

Directions to Board Room: Front door located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L'Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L'Enfant Plaza station at 9th and D Streets escalator, walk through shopping mall, at CVS store take escalator down one level. Board room will be to your left.

A live and archived webcast of the proceedings will be available on the Board's website at www.ntsb.gov. Technical support details are available under "Board Meetings." To report any problems, please call 703-993 3100 and ask for Webcast Technical Support.


NTSB Public Affairs: (202) 314-6100

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