FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   June 08, 2006   SB-06-34


Washington, D.C. - The National Transportation Safety Board recently reported progress in implementing sixteen highway safety recommendations outstanding to the States. Each of the sixteen recommendations contains several safety actions that must be completed by the state in order to close the recommendation successfully. Combined, the recommendations require 704 safety actions to be taken by the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. The update includes 29 new actions that have been recently implemented for a total of 494 completed actions, improving the safety of our nation's highways.

"Every time an NTSB recommendation is implemented our nation's transportation system becomes safer," said NTSB Acting Chairman Mark V. Rosenker, "and we'll keep working until we've seen every one of our recommendation completed. We applaud the actions taken by the States to improve safety on our highways."

The Board's recommendations cover the following safety issues:

*Age 21 Laws (three recommendations)
*Graduated Driver's License Programs (two recommendations)
*Motor Carrier Oversight (one recommendations)
*Child Occupant Protection (three recommendations)
*Pupil Transportation Safety (four recommendations)
*Truck Parking Areas (one recommendation)
*Distracted Driving (one recommendation)
*Vehicle Inspections and Tire Pressure (one recommendation)

A complete listing of the recommendations, including maps showing state by state classification, as well as state status charts, is available on the NTSB website, http://www.ntsb.gov/Recs/mostwanted/status_maps.htm.



NTSB Media Contact: Lauren Peduzzi
(202) 314-6100

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