





ORDER NO.  3263, Amendment No. 2  (Amended material italicized)


SIGNATURE DATE:  September 30, 2007


Subject:  Realignment of Functional Responsibilities in the National Park Service           


Sec. 1  Purpose.  This Order authorizes the realignment of certain functional responsibilities in the Washington, D.C., headquarters offices of the National Park Service (NPS).  The realignment improves the Service’s ability to carry out its broad mission responsibilities by balancing responsibilities among senior executives and consolidating similar functions under common leadership. 


Sec. 2  Background.  The realignment achieves consistency with the requirements of P.L. 104-333, which states, in part “…the Director shall select two Deputy Directors.  The first Deputy Director shall have responsibility for National Park Service operations, and the second Deputy Director shall have responsibility for other programs assigned to the National Park Service.”  It improves upon the existing organizational arrangement by enhancing internal communications within the Washington, D.C., office and with the seven existing regional directorates; establishes clear lines of authority and responsibility between the Deputy Director - Operations and the Deputy Director – Support Services; and improves efficiency and responsiveness to external customers who are served by various NPS programs.


Sec. 3  Authority.  This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat.1262), as amended.


Sec. 4  Organizational Changes.  The changes include retitling the Deputy Director positions and realigning functions as follows:    


            a.         The Deputy Director - Internal Affairs is retitled Deputy Director - Operations.  Responsibilities include:  the United States Park Police; Assistant Director for Business Services; Assistant Director for Human Capital; Associate Director for Cultural Resources; Associate Director for Natural Resources, Stewardship and Science; Associate Director for Visitor and Resource Protection; Associate Director for Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands; Associate Director for Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation; and the Regional Directors. 


                        (1)        The Office of the Associate Director for Administration, Business Practices and Workforce Development is eliminated and replaced by two new offices headed by Assistant Directors.  The new Office of the Assistant Director for Business Services includes:  Concessions Management, Contracting, Fee Management, the Administrative Program Centers, and Uniforms.  The new Office of the Assistant Director for Human Capital includes:  Equal Opportunity, Human Resources, and Training and Employee Development. 


                        (2)        The Harpers Ferry Center is consolidated with the Division of Interpretation and Education under the Associate Director for Partnerships, Interpretation and Education, Volunteers, and Outdoor Recreation.


                        (3)        Fourteen divisions within the Office of the Associate Director for Cultural Resources are reorganized under three Deputy Associate Directors.


            b.         The Deputy Director - External Affairs is retitled Deputy Director – Support Services.  Responsibilities include:  the American Indian Liaison; International Affairs; the Chief Information Officer; Policy; Strategic Planning; State and Local Assistance Programs; and Special Projects and Initiatives.  The Land and Water Conservation Fund, Federal Lands to Parks and Base Closure program managers also report to the Deputy Director – Support Services.


            c.         The Office of Public Affairs is renamed the Office of Communications and Public Affairs.


Sec. 5  Implementation.  The Director of the NPS is responsible for implementing this Order including the appropriate transfer of personnel, funds, programs, records, and property. 


Sec. 6  Expiration Date.  This Order is effective immediately.  It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked, whichever occurs first.  In the absence of any of the foregoing actions, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on January 31, 2008.  The termination of this Order will not nullify the realignment effected herein. 





                                                                                                /s/ DIRK KEMPTHORNE

                                                                                                Secretary of the Interior


SO#3263A2 9/30/07

Replaces SO#3263A1 7/30/07

Replaces SO#3263 8/25/05