The National Scope of Motor Vehicle Crashes
How To Use This Occupant Protection Booklet
The Need To Promote Occupant Restraint Use for
Children, Youth, and 16- to 20-Year-Olds

Adult Safety Belt Use Makes a Difference


Exhibit 1: Driver and Child Restraint Use in Fatal Crashes Involving Children From Birth to 15 Years of Age

Occupant Restraints for All Age Groups Save Lives

Closing the Gaps in Occupant Restraint Laws Can Save Young Lives

Primary Enforcement Laws Help Protect Children of All Ages


Exhibit 2: States With Primary and Secondary Safety Belt Laws

Booster Seat Use Saves Lives and Reduces the Risk of Injury

Facts About Children and Youth

Facts About Restraint Use

Facts About Motor-Vehicle-Related Deaths and Injuries

Facts About Young Adults Ages 16 to 20

Facts About Safety Belt Use

Facts About Motor-Vehicle-Related Deaths and Injuries

Self-Reported Behavior, Attitudes, and Opinions on Safety Belt Use

Safety Belt Use Behavior

Attitudes Toward Safety Belt Use

Opinions About Safety Belt Use Laws


Appendix A: Persons Killed in Motor Vehicle Crashes, by State and Age Group, 2004
Appendix B: Passenger Vehicle Occupants Killed in Motor Vehicle Crashes, by State and Restraint Use, 2004
Appendix C: State Child Restraint Laws

For Additional Information

Chart 1: Occupant Fatalities in 2004, by Age and Restraint Use, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 2: Occupant Fatality and Injury Rates, 1994-2004, per 100 Million VMT, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 3: Occupant Fatalities in 2004, by Age, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 4: Occupants Injured in 2004, by Age, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 5: Occupant Fatalities in 2004, by Age and Ejection Status, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 6: Occupant Fatalities in 2004, by Age and Restraint Use, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 7: Occupants Injured in Passenger Vehicles 2004, by Age and Injury Severity
Chart 8: Percentage of All Occupants Killed or Injured in 2004, by Age, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 9: Occupant Fatality Rates per 100,000 Population in 2004, by Age, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 10: Percentage of Driver Fatalities Among 16- to 20-Year-Olds, in Which Driver Was Unrestrained, 1994-2004, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 11: Driver Fatality Rates per 100,000 Licensed Drivers in 2004, by Age and Gender, in Passenger Vehicles
Chart 12: Driver Injury Rates per 100,000 Licensed Drivers in 2004, by Age and Gender, in Passenger Vehicles

photo - little girl smiles at camera