From: Maisha [] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:24 PM To: Subject: 02P-1317 - recall of neurotoxic drug, aspartame. PLEASE STOP POISONING US!!! Read the following and then decide if you want YOUR children and grandchildren to suffer!! Courageous doctors have written books that discuss all the problems mentioned above and the mechanism by which aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Canderal/E951/Spoonful, Benevia, etc.) triggers them. They go into the synergistic effect of MSG, fluoride, RBGH, etc. Because of this mass poisoning of the world by aspartame, exactly the statement written to the FDA 18 years ago by James Bowen, M.D., we have the epidemics we see today and every family should have as part of their library the books that discuss how to save their family and educate their physician such as: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H. J. Roberts, M.D., or or 1-800-814-9800 Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., Dr. Blaylock has a few booklets, not many left on how to survive bioterrorism. He says that because excitotoxins (aspartame, msg, etc.) have destroyed the immune system no one could survive bioterrorism. You can go to: and get one of these booklets. I think he has about 400 left, that's all. He is now writing a book on Nutrition Secrets to Save Your Life, so that consumers will know what to do. It should be out shortly. and as soon as we get the first copy it will be on: Please read the book lists as more and more is written on aspartame by physicians and concerned consumers. These physicians have done the work for you - devoted their life to alerting the world. All you have to do is read and learn and save your family and friends! Its a small price to pay. I do not get commissions on any books. I am unpaid. Mission Possible Intl is funded by my husband's retirement funds. I only want every family's questions answered on these horrors they are enduring and them educated so they can help educate others. It's getting to the point that it's hard to answer every victim - there are not enough hours in the day. It's been done for you - read it! Remember there is one thing these monsters cannot fight and that is consumer action in power. Mission Possible International is a worldwide volunteer force, unpaid, educating and warning the world off aspartame. Now they want a new patent so they have approved an analog of aspartame, Neotame in Australia, America, and New Zealand and they will rubberstamp it around the world. It must be stopped now. Here are things you can do: Send this note to every member of Congress and Parliament and Media around the world. Class action information on Get a copy of this to every principal and every teacher. Send it to school with your child. Send it to you place of worship. Give a copy to every person in your office. Send it to crime organizations. They use it in prisons and depletion of serotonin triggers rage, paranoia, manic depression, and psychiatric problems. Send it to Fire Fighters. They give dopamine in the field and aspartame changes the dopamine level of the brain. Send it to universities and INDEPENDENT researchers who aren't prostitutes for industry. Make sure everybody with a computer reads and every link including the support groups for the victims, the Aspartame Toxicity Center,, etc. People who lecture give it out at seminars. Give it out at parties and affairs. Don't leave home without it. Give a copy to your physician. If everybody sent a copy today to three physician specialists, and to their personal physicians, these doctors would be able to save the lives of thousands. Send it to children's organizations, mental health, autism and birth defect people who really want to help. Professional organizations receive their money from industry and help push their propaganda. Know this in advance. One day they will have to be accountable too. Don't wait for everybody else to do it for you. If you can read this note below and do nothing, shame on you. We are a Hands Around the World Campaign to stop this insanity. Spread this far and wide. Remember the World Environmental Conference paper saturated the earth. Monsanto tried to fight back with front groups and hoax allegations although it's all documented on and the medical text by Dr. Roberts documents the diseases. Monsanto could not put out the fire and sold the NutraSweet Company. But as Mohammed Ali said, "They can run but they can't hide." Paul Revere, go ahead, fire the shot again and England's with us all the way! Read on and do your part to help prevent what may be the largest plague in world history, Aspartame Disease --- AN IGNORED EPIDEMIC! Let's save this next generation of children! We can do it if every single person helps! Betty Martini - Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 (770) 242-2599