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We invite you to apply for unpaid internships in our offices in both Washington D.C. and in the district. These highly competitive positions offer unique opportunities for you to gain an insider's view of the legislative process.

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20 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Medicare: | Print |


Below are links to the answers for the 20 questions that are most frequently asked about Medicare.  I hope that you find them helpful; however if you do not find what you are looking for do not hesitate to contact me or a member of my staff at either my Washington D.C. or Youngstown offices.

1. What types of services are covered under Medicare?


2. What is the new health plan demonstration project that expands Medicare+Choice options?


3. What is the President's Prescription Drug Card Initiative?


4. Does Medicare pay for prescription drugs?


5. Who is eligible for Medicare?


6. Information you need to know regarding Medicare claims....


7. Should I be tested for colorectal cancer and does Medicare cover the screening?


8. How do I enroll in Medicare?


9. Has Medicare's coverage for people with Alzheimer's disease changed?


10. What is a Physician-Patient Retainer Agreement?


11. I want to add Part B to my Medicare. When can I do that?


12. What if I'm over 65 and didn't enroll in Part B during my Initial Enrollment Pd?


13. Can I delay my Medicare Part B enrollment without paying higher premiums?


14. What is the new coverage for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring?


15. Why is Social Security taking money each month for Part B when I joined an HMO?


16. What is a Medicare deductible?


17. What is Medicare Easy Pay and how do I sign up?


18. Is the Medicare Part B deductible something new?


19. Does Medicare also cover anthrax testing?


20. Is Medicare saying that all Medicare beneficiaries should be tested for anthrax?


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FY2010 Earmark Application Forms Available Here

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