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Sec. 5321.* Suspension of requirements for disaster areas
[* Section 122 of the Act]

 Information by State
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Title 42, Chapter 69 Contents
 -   Sec. 5301 Congressional findings and declaration of purpose.
 -   Sec. 5302 General provisions
 -   Sec. 5303 Grants to States, units of general local government and Indian tribes
 -   Sec. 5304 Statement of activities and review
 -   Sec. 5305 Activities eligible for assistance
 -   Sec. 5306 Allocation and distribution of funds
 -   Sec. 5307 Special purpose grants
 -   Sec. 5308 Guarantee and commitment to guarantee loans for acquisition of property
 -   Sec. 5309 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities
 -   Sec. 5310 Labor standards; rate of wages; exceptions; enforcement powers
 -   Sec. 5311 Remedies for noncompliance with community development requirements
 -   Sec. 5312 Use of grants for settlement of outstanding urban renewal loans
 -   Sec. 5313 Reporting requirements
 -   Sec. 5314 Consultation by Secretary with other Federal departments, etc
 -   Sec. 5315 Interstate agreements or compacts; purposes
 -   Sec. 5316 Transition provisions
 -   Sec. 5317 Liquidation of superseded or inactive programs
 -   Sec. 5318 Urban development action grants
 -   Sec. 5319 Community participation in programs
 -   Sec. 5320 Historic preservation requirements
 -   Sec. 5321 Suspension of requirements for disaster areas
 -   Section 5318a (John Heinz Neighborhood Development Program) is not included
 -   Back to the Laws Page



From the U.S. Code
[Laws in effect as of January 20, 1999]
[CITE: 42USC5321]

For funds designated under this chapter by a recipient to address the damage in an area for which the President has declared a disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act [42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.], the Secretary may suspend all requirements for purposes of assistance under section 5306 of this title for that area, except for those related to public notice of funding availability, nondiscrimination, fair housing, labor standards, environmental standards, and requirements that activities benefit persons of low- and moderate-income.

(Pub. L. 93-383, title I, Sec. 122, as added Pub. L. 103-233, title II, Sec. 234, Apr. 11, 1994, 108 Stat. 369.)

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