Title 24--Housing and Urban Development



TEXT PDF570.1 Purpose and primary objective.
TEXT PDF570.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF570.4 Allocation of funds.
TEXT PDF570.5 Waivers.
TEXT PDF570.200 General policies.
TEXT PDF570.201 Basic eligible activities.
TEXT PDF570.202 Eligible rehabilitation and preservation activities.
TEXT PDF570.203 Special economic development activities.
TEXT PDF570.204 Special activities by Community-Based Development Organizations (CBDOs).
TEXT PDF570.205 Eligible planning, urban environmental design and policy-planning-management-capacity building activities.
TEXT PDF570.206 Program administrative costs.
TEXT PDF570.207 Ineligible activities.
TEXT PDF570.208 Criteria for national objectives.
TEXT PDF570.209 Guidelines for evaluating and selecting economic development projects.
TEXT PDF570.210 Prohibition on use of assistance for employment relocation activities.
TEXT PDF570.300 General.
TEXT PDF570.301 Activity locations and float-funding.
TEXT PDF570.302 Submission requirements.
TEXT PDF570.303 Certifications.
TEXT PDF570.304 Making of grants.
TEXT PDF570.307 Urban counties.
TEXT PDF570.308 Joint requests.
TEXT PDF570.309 Restriction on location of activities.
TEXT PDF570.400 General.
TEXT PDF570.401 Community adjustment and economic diversification planning assistance.
TEXT PDF570.402 Technical assistance awards.
TEXT PDF570.403 New Communities.
TEXT PDF570.404 Historically Black colleges and universities program.
TEXT PDF570.405 The insular areas.
TEXT PDF570.406 Formula miscalculation grants.
TEXT PDF570.410 Special Projects Program.
TEXT PDF570.411 Joint Community Development Program.
TEXT PDF570.415 Community Development Work Study Program.
TEXT PDF570.416 Hispanic-serving institutions work study program.
TEXT PDF570.420 General.
TEXT PDF570.421 New York Small Cities Program design.
TEXT PDF570.426 Program income.
TEXT PDF570.427 Program amendments.
TEXT PDF570.429 Hawaii general and grant requirements.
TEXT PDF570.430 Hawaii program operation requirements.
TEXT PDF570.431 Citizen participation.
TEXT PDF570.432 Repayment of section 108 loans.
TEXT PDF570.440 Application requirements for insular area grants funded under section 106.
TEXT PDF570.441 Citizen participation--insular areas.
TEXT PDF570.450 Purpose.
TEXT PDF570.456 Ineligible activities and limitations on eligible activities.
TEXT PDF570.457 Displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing.
TEXT PDF570.461 Post-preliminary approval requirements; lead-based paint.
TEXT PDF570.463 Project amendments and revisions.
TEXT PDF570.464 Project closeout.
TEXT PDF570.465 Applicability of rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF570.466 Additional application submission requirements for Pockets of Poverty--employment opportunities.
TEXT PDF570.480 General.
TEXT PDF570.481 Definitions.
TEXT PDF570.482 Eligible activities.
TEXT PDF570.483 Criteria for national objectives.
TEXT PDF570.484 Overall benefit to low and moderate income persons.
TEXT PDF570.485 Making of grants.
TEXT PDF570.486 Local government requirements.
TEXT PDF570.487 Other applicable laws and related program requirements.
TEXT PDF570.488 Displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing.
TEXT PDF570.489 Program administrative requirements.
TEXT PDF570.490 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF570.491 Performance and evaluation report.
TEXT PDF570.492 State's reviews and audits.
TEXT PDF570.493 HUD's reviews and audits.
TEXT PDF570.494 Timely distribution of funds by states.
TEXT PDF570.495 Reviews and audits response.
TEXT PDF570.496 Remedies for noncompliance; opportunity for hearing.
TEXT PDF570.497 Condition of State election to administer State CDBG Program.
TEXT PDF570.500 Definitions.
TEXT PDF570.501 Responsibility for grant administration.
TEXT PDF570.502 Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.
TEXT PDF570.503 Agreements with subrecipients.
TEXT PDF570.504 Program income.
TEXT PDF570.505 Use of real property.
TEXT PDF570.506 Records to be maintained.
TEXT PDF570.507 Reports.
TEXT PDF570.508 Public access to program records.
TEXT PDF570.509 Grant closeout procedures.
TEXT PDF570.510 Transferring projects from urban counties to metropolitan cities.
TEXT PDF570.511 Use of escrow accounts for rehabilitation of privately owned residential property.
TEXT PDF570.513 Lump sum drawdown for financing of property rehabilitation activities.
TEXT PDF570.600 General.
TEXT PDF570.601 Public Law 88-352 and Public Law 90-284; affirmatively furthering fair housing; Executive Order 11063.
TEXT PDF570.602 Section 109 of the Act.
TEXT PDF570.603 Labor standards.
TEXT PDF570.604 Environmental standards.
TEXT PDF570.605 National Flood Insurance Program.
TEXT PDF570.606 Displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing.
TEXT PDF570.607 Employment and contracting opportunities.
TEXT PDF570.608 Lead-based paint.
TEXT PDF570.609 Use of debarred, suspended or ineligible contractors or subrecipients.
TEXT PDF570.610 Uniform administrative requirements and cost principles.
TEXT PDF570.611 Conflict of interest.
TEXT PDF570.612 Executive Order 12372.
TEXT PDF570.613 Eligibility restrictions for certain resident aliens.
TEXT PDF570.614 Architectural Barriers Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
TEXT PDF570.700 Purpose.
TEXT PDF570.701 Definitions.
TEXT PDF570.702 Eligible applicants.
TEXT PDF570.703 Eligible activities.
TEXT PDF570.704 Application requirements.
TEXT PDF570.705 Loan requirements.
TEXT PDF570.706 Federal guarantee; subrogation.
TEXT PDF570.707 Applicability of rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF570.708 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF570.709 Allocation of loan guarantee assistance.
TEXT PDF570.710 State responsibilities.
TEXT PDF570.800 Urban renewal regulations.
TEXT PDF570.900 General.
TEXT PDF570.901 Review for compliance with the primary and national objectives and other program requirements.
TEXT PDF570.902 Review to determine if CDBG funded activities are being carried out in a timely manner.
TEXT PDF570.903 Review to determine if the recipient is meeting its consolidated plan responsibilities.
TEXT PDF570.904 Equal opportunity and fair housing review criteria.
TEXT PDF570.905 Review of continuing capacity to carry out CDBG funded activities in a timely manner.
TEXT PDF570.906 Review of urban counties.
TEXT PDF570.910 Corrective and remedial actions.
TEXT PDF570.911 Reduction, withdrawal, or adjustment of a grant or other appropriate action.
TEXT PDF570.912 Nondiscrimination compliance.
TEXT PDF570.913 Other remedies for noncompliance.
