Export.Gov > Middleeast > Country Information > Oman
Middle East/North Africa: Oman

Oman is strategically located in the Middle East. The government is hoping to diversify its economy by further developing its natural gas resources, including LNG facilities, energy-based industries, and related businesses. The country also hopes to expand non-oil, non-energy-related industry including light manufacturing, agriculture and fisheries, and tourism. 80 percent of the country's food needs are import dependent.

To explore options, interested U.S. executives should contact the U.S. Commercial Service in Oman or contact 1-800-USA-TRADE [872-8723] or 202-482-0543.

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Trade Policy & Agreements

Bilateral Trade Agreements Multilateral Agreements

Omani Government Entities

Associations and Organizations

Based in Oman

Based in the United States


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Scenic Oman
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