Docket Management
Docket: 95N-0304 - Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids
Comment Number: EC -1268

Accepted - Volume 326

Comment Record
Commentor Mr. Christopher Eaton Date/Time 2003-04-03 10:52:16
Organization Natrol, Inc.
Category Dietary Supplement Industry

Comments for FDA General
1. General Comments In a time of public scrutiny and attention to a problem that has the potential to affect us all, it is tempting to take that action which would seem to provide the quickest and easiest way to relieve some of that scrutiny. What is far more difficult is to sit back and soberly realize that the best solution, that which will be of far greater benefit, is often one that requires much more patience and is far more difficult to implement. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act(DSHEA) is an example of the latter. With vision and clear mind, this government worked with the dietary supplement industry to provide good, effective legislation that has and will continue to protect American consumers as well as the respectable corporations and businesses that serve them. All are hurt by the deeds and practices of the irresponsible and unscrupulous individuals against whom this legislation was in part designed to protect. The DSHEA now provides the FDA with the power to seize any supplement that poses an unreasonable or significant risk of illness or injury, and allows for aggressive action against any unsubstantiated dietary supplement claims. In her own words before Congress, former FDA commissioner Dr. Jane Henney testified that DSHEA provides the FDA with the necessary legal authority to protect the public health. The effectiveness and power of this legislation should not be undermined and diluted with words upon words. Do not let the diligent efforts that bore us the DSHEA get lost in the quagmire of a la carte legislation. Take a stand by giving the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act the support and resources it requires to continue to succeed. Let that be your sober answer to the difficult problems we are facing today. Thank You

EC -1268