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International Company Profile

All clear

Need Faster background checks on Indian Partners?  Our International Company Profile (ICP) offers low-cost, quick background checks and due-diligence reports on potential buyers and partners.  The report include factual data as well as the post's evaluation to help U.S. firms assess risk, reliability, and capability.  An ICP provides:

  • A detailed background report on a prospective partner in 20 business days
  • A listing of the company's senior management
  • Main business activities and product/service lines
  • Banking and financial information 
  • Our insight on whether the prospective partner can meet your needs - trading experience, market coverage, stature, business connections in the country
  • Our opinion as to the strength of the company versus its competitors

Ordering an ICP
To request an ICP, contact your local U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) or the ICP Program Manager. To locate the USEAC nearest to you, visit:


SME Company*: $600;  Large Company: $900;  SME New-to-Export companies using Service for the first time: $350 

Turnaround Time

20 business days.

Program Manager: For more information, email Nisha Wadhawan

*A Small or Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations.  A large company is defined as a firm with more than 500 employees.  Subsidiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.