Docket Management
Docket: 01D-0583 - Food Security Preventive Guidances.
Comment Number: EC -3

Accepted - Volume 1

Comment Record
Commentor Mr. James Weathers Date/Time 2003-04-04 10:28:57
Organization Advanced Farm Technology Company
Category Food Industry

Comments for FDA General
1. General Comments As a agricultural producer, our product is routinely inspected by FDA at numerous ports of entry throughout the United States. We have noticed that identical product (product from the same production fields) may be held and inspected at different entry points at the same time. If FDA were aware that they were testing identical production, wouldn't it certainly be more efficient to inspect and test one shipment rather than muliple shipments at various entry ports? We would certainly entertain any ideas in providing information as to the source of our product to expedite its entry. Thank you for your time!

EC -3