2003N-0169 - Dental Amalgam; Request for Information
FDA Comment Number : EC18
Submitter : Mr. poisoned by amalgams Date & Time: 06/16/2003 02:06:15
Organization : none
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Million of people are poisoned by dental mercury fillings.
85% of all diagnosed illnesses starting from Erectile Dysfunction Syndrome, alleged Menopause, LUPUS, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, ALS, Lou Gheric disease, ADHD, allergies, psioriasis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, toxic encephalopathy, myalgia, myofacial syndrome, arthralgia, poly arthralgia, just name all the fucken injuries caused by mercury... mercury reacts with sulfides either Hydrogen sulfide or as a food preservatives. Remember Acrodynia? Mercury poisoning by teeting powder CALOMEL in 1950? also known as Pink Disease?
INSTEAD LOOKING FOR PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES TIME TO BAN THE FUCKEN MERCURY IN ALL DENTAL APPLICATIONS AND PUT DENTISTS ON TRIAL FOR BIGGEST FRAUD and coverup IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN PAST 100 YEARS. FDA IS GUILTY FOR NOT BANNING MERCURY ON TIME. It is not what scientific literature is saying but what victims are reporting. Bloody mother fuckers from ADA - A Dentist Labor Union must be put on trial for biggest medical fraud in the history of medicine, poisoning millions with mercury!
"The ADA owes no legal duty of care to protect the public s saying but what victims of poisoning are saying. from allegedly dangerous products used by dentists. The ADA did not manufacture, design, supply or install the mercury-containing amalgams. The ADA does not control those who do. The ADA's only alleged involvement in the product was to provide information regarding its use. Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury". Source: Legal brief filed in 1995 by attorneys for the ADA in W.H. Tolhurst vs. Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, Inc.; Engelhard Corporation; ABE Dental, Inc.; the American Dental Association, et al., in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, CA, Case No. 718228. http://www.neurotox.com

URINARY MERCURY. R. Singer. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Dentists are exposed to mercury from amalgam (composed of 52% mercury, 8% copper, 37% silver) used as implants for dental restoration. A recent study of 32% of Singapore's dentists found mercury dose-related neuropsychological deficits when compared with controls.

The current subject, a dentist practicing for 14 years in the USA, was referred by his physician for neurobehavioral examination.
The subject presented with symptoms including fatigue, GI problems, sweats, tremors, rashes, bowel dyscontrol, and heart arrhythmia.
Tremors of the hand and eyelid affect the subject's hand stability while working.
Results of the Neurotoxicity Screening Survey showed a profile of symptoms consistent with neurotoxicity.
Urine sampling (24 h) over the past year found 2.1 - 99 ppb mercury, averaging 35 ppb (expected range < 2 ppb; atomic fluorescence spectrometry).
High readings may be related with chelation therapy.
Current IQ was at the 87% (% = percentile; 91-96% or greater estimated pre-morbidly), consistent with his presentation as an intelligent, competent dentist.
In contrast to a relatively high IQ, appropriate neuropsychological testing revealed that the subject has deficits in immediate memory (16%);
visuospatial perception (50%);
visual memory; visual figure-ground perception (50%);
verbal learning (2-5%); mental flexibility (12%);
attentional processes (19%); logical memory (p < .004);
and non-verbal recognition memory (50%).

Neuropsychological testing helped confirm mercury toxicity affecting multiple organ systems.
Such deficits impact the subject's ability to practice dentistry, and raises questions as to effects of mercury in other dentists, as well as possible subclinical or clinical effects among the estimated 80-90% of Americans with mercury amalgam implants.