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Bogus July 1 Email Exposed: The Real Deal on Your Credit File Privacy
Explains the half-truths and misinformation contained in a widely circulated email about the credit bureaus and policies for sharing consumers’ personal information.

Building a Better Credit Record
Learn how to legally improve your credit report, how to deal with debt, how to spot credit-related scams, and more.

Credit and Your Consumer Rights
Explains credit laws that protect your right to obtain, use, and maintain credit. Offers practical tips to help you solve credit problems.

Credit Repair: Self-Help May Be Best
Explains how you can improve your credit worthiness and lists legitimate resources for low or no-cost help.

Disposing of Consumer Report Information? New Rule Tells How

Fair Credit Billing
The Fair Credit Billing Act establishes procedures for resolving billing errors on your credit card accounts. Includes sample dispute letter.

Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit Counselor
Defines debt repayment plans, explains the differences between secured and unsecured debt, and offers questions to ask credit counseling agencies if you consider using their services.

How to Dispute Credit Report Errors
Explains how to dispute and correct inaccurate information in your credit report. Includes sample dispute letter.

Identity Theft Web Site
Helps consumers avoid and respond to identity theft; offers the Identity Theft Affidavit and an online complaint form.

Knee Deep in Debt
If you or someone you know is in financial hot water, consider these options: realistic budgeting, credit counseling from a reputable organization, debt consolidation, or bankruptcy. Tips on getting back in the black.

Negative Credit Can Squeeze a Job Search

Special Highlights
Provides links to the FTC’s FCRA material, both privacy-related and otherwise. Includes press releases and staff opinion letters.

Your Access to Free Credit Reports
Learn how to order a free copy of your credit report from each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — once every 12 months.

Want a Free Annual Credit Report?
The Only Official Website is annualcreditreport.com

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