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Ex: h.r. 842, s. 5

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We invite you to apply for unpaid internships in our offices in both Washington D.C. and in the district. These highly competitive positions offer unique opportunities for you to gain an insider's view of the legislative process.

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Due to the enactment of the "Right to Privacy Act," it is necessary for you to complete and sign this form authorizing me and members of my staff to obtain the information needed to respond to your request for assistance.  The information obtained will be only that which is relative to the problem you presented to my office. 









State:__________ Zip Code:_______


Email Address :__________________



Phone (home): (       ) _____-______


Phone (work):  (       )_____ -______



Social Security Number: _____-_____-_____


Date of Birth: _____________



I understand that in order for you to respond fully to my request, it may be necessary for you or your staff to review those federal records that contain information you will need to assist me.  By signing this form, I hereby authorize the appropriate federal agencies to release to you such information as you may require.


Signed: ___________________________


Date: _____________________________



Description of your situation:___________________________________________________







Please print this form and return completed to my District Office at:


Congressman Tim Ryan

197 West Market Street

Warren, Ohio 44481


Phone: (330) 373-0074  Fax: (330) 373-0098



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FY2010 Earmark Application Forms Available Here

Click here to download the forms
