Safety Study
Protecting Public Safety Through Excavation Damage Prevention

NTSB Number SS-97/01
PDF Document (2.6M)

Abstract: Pipeline accidents result in fewer fatalities annually than accidents in the other modes of transportation; however, a single pipeline accident has the potential to cause a catastrophic disaster that can injure hundreds of persons, affect thousands more, and cost millions of dollars in terms of property damage, loss of work opportunity, community disruption, ecological damage, and insurance liability. Excavation and construction activities are the largest single cause of accidents to pipelines. In 1994, the Safety Board and the Research and Special Programs Administration jointly sponsored a workshop that brought together industry representatives to identify and recommend ways to improve State excavation damage prevention programs. The Board conducted the current safety study to analyze the findings of the 1994 workshop, to discuss industry and government actions undertaken since the workshop, and to formalize recommendations aimed at further advancing improvements in excavation damage prevention programs. The safety issues discussed in the report include (a) the essential elements of an effective excavation damage prevention program; (b) the accuracy of information regarding buried facilities; and (c) system measures, reporting requirements, and data collection. Safety recommendations concerning these issues were made to the Research and Special Programs Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the American Public Works Association, the Association of American Railroads, the American Short Line Railroad Association, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Associated General Contractors of America.